It is possible to insert help text into empty input fields. Users can then recognize which information they have to put in the field.


Address information is shown in the address fields:

This help text can be configured with customization. The text will disappear as soon as the first new character is inserted.


Help text is very useful if a lot of fields are presented to the user. It would be very confusing if such information would be shown as a caption or field label.

Another example is to show this information in asset features which need special input. If it is a keyword field and the keywords have to be separated by a comma, this information can be shown as help text. The localized text can be held in the description of the asset feature.


The following widgets are supported:

  • edittext

  • editfield

  • password

  • editdate

  • date

  • queryfield

The cue text will be shown when the attribute "cuetext" is set. To show the name of the asset feature a formula is needed. In other cases, it is more useful to show the description of an asset feature. In the following example a text insertion is used in an editfield:

< xe:editfield cuetext = " =:cs:cachelookup('feature', '@key', '')/@name" label-align = "top" source = "asset_feature[feature= '']@value_string" weight-x = "1" data-type = "VARCHAR(64)" />