Results for topic "censhare-client":

Search tips (censhare Client)

… Search for layouts or ads that do not have a PDF or vice versa. Fuzzy search Starting with 5 characters (Minimum word length) a fuzzy search will be performed w …

XML Editor - Create variables

… Variables can be created in the XML editor with the xe:variable widget. Overview You can store the result of an XPath expression in a variable and use it in oth

XML Editor - Date widget

… The Date widget makes date and time input easier and faster. Overview The Date widget allows users to enter date and time in habitual format. By default, the fo

censhare Client customization

… Learn how to customize the censhare Client (java-based desktop client). icon related-topics Optionally, assign a Font Awesome icon to the page. Enter the class …

XML Editor - Tab widget

… Tabs are made available as a widget. The implementation of "xe: tabs" is similar to the features of "xe: popupmenu". Description: A "source" attribute specifies

Modes in Content Editor and Article Editor

… Quick overview of the custom-content-handler elements. Attributes Handler "asset" Possible values: Abb1.jpg Example of default mode "ID" – View of Content-Ed< xi:include xmlns:xi = "" href = "censhare:/service/assets/asset/id/675233/version/3/transform;key=transform:article-asset-to-group;format=xml" element-name = "group" /><__select__/>< xi:include xmlns:xi = "" href = "censhare:/service/assets/asset/id/675233/version/3/transform;key=transform:article-asset-to-group;format=xml" element-name = "group" /><__select__/>< xi:include xmlns:xi = "" href = "censhare:/service/assets/asset/id/675233/version/3/transform;key=transform:article-asset-to-group;format=xml" element-name = "group" /><__select__/>< xi:include xmlns:xi = "" href = "censhare:/service/assets/asset/id/675233/version/3/transform;key=transform:article-asset-to-group;format=xml" element-name = "group" /><__select__/>

XML Editor - Auto-completion field

… The auto-completion field is a widget for the XML editor that can be used as an alternative to a pop-up menu widget. Overview The auto-completion fields allows < xe:auto-completion-field source = " " search-value-source = " " internal-search = " " popup-row-height = " " popup-row-width = " " css-key = " " expression-id = " " max-items = " " >< xe:options value-key = " " label-key = " " option-label-expression = " " lookup-expression = " " >< xe:generator expression = " " />< xe:auto-completion-field label = "${workflow-target}" label- style =" label-default " width = "30em" 
 source = "@wf_target" sort = "ascending" >< xe:options label-key = "@display_name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator name = "filtered_cachedtables" table-name = "party" source = "@isvisible" match = "1" />< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" option-label-expression = " =:concat(asset/@name, ', ', asset/@id)" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" /><500). Example 3 Auto-completion field to select image assets. The ID of the selected asset is written in an asset feature of the type "asset reference". The generator runs an asset query on the censhare server using an XPath query. In contrast to the second example - here the filtering by the input value is not carried out by the client locally, but rather passed as part of the XPath query to the server. This option should always be used when the expected result set (assets) might be large (approximately >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" search-value-source = "$temp@search" width = "200" popup-row-height = "50" popup-row-width = "250" max-items = "100" >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" css-key = "asset-info" expression-id = "asset-ref-list" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" />< xe:auto-completion-field source = " " search-value-source = " " internal-search = " " popup-row-height = " " popup-row-width = " " css-key = " " expression-id = " " max-items = " " >< xe:options value-key = " " label-key = " " option-label-expression = " " lookup-expression = " " >< xe:generator expression = " " />< xe:auto-completion-field label = "${workflow-target}" label- style =" label-default " width = "30em" 
 source = "@wf_target" sort = "ascending" >< xe:options label-key = "@display_name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator name = "filtered_cachedtables" table-name = "party" source = "@isvisible" match = "1" />< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" option-label-expression = " =:concat(asset/@name, ', ', asset/@id)" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" /><500). Example 3 Auto-completion field to select image assets. The ID of the selected asset is written in an asset feature of the type "asset reference". The generator runs an asset query on the censhare server using an XPath query. In contrast to the second example - here the filtering by the input value is not carried out by the client locally, but rather passed as part of the XPath query to the server. This option should always be used when the expected result set (assets) might be large (approximately >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" search-value-source = "$temp@search" width = "200" popup-row-height = "50" popup-row-width = "250" max-items = "100" >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" css-key = "asset-info" expression-id = "asset-ref-list" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" />< xe:auto-completion-field source = " " search-value-source = " " internal-search = " " popup-row-height = " " popup-row-width = " " css-key = " " expression-id = " " max-items = " " >< xe:options value-key = " " label-key = " " option-label-expression = " " lookup-expression = " " >< xe:generator expression = " " />< xe:auto-completion-field label = "${workflow-target}" label- style =" label-default " width = "30em" 
 source = "@wf_target" sort = "ascending" >< xe:options label-key = "@display_name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator name = "filtered_cachedtables" table-name = "party" source = "@isvisible" match = "1" />< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" option-label-expression = " =:concat(asset/@name, ', ', asset/@id)" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" /><500). Example 3 Auto-completion field to select image assets. The ID of the selected asset is written in an asset feature of the type "asset reference". The generator runs an asset query on the censhare server using an XPath query. In contrast to the second example - here the filtering by the input value is not carried out by the client locally, but rather passed as part of the XPath query to the server. This option should always be used when the expected result set (assets) might be large (approximately >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" search-value-source = "$temp@search" width = "200" popup-row-height = "50" popup-row-width = "250" max-items = "100" >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" css-key = "asset-info" expression-id = "asset-ref-list" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" />< xe:auto-completion-field source = " " search-value-source = " " internal-search = " " popup-row-height = " " popup-row-width = " " css-key = " " expression-id = " " max-items = " " >< xe:options value-key = " " label-key = " " option-label-expression = " " lookup-expression = " " >< xe:generator expression = " " />< xe:auto-completion-field label = "${workflow-target}" label- style =" label-default " width = "30em" 
 source = "@wf_target" sort = "ascending" >< xe:options label-key = "@display_name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator name = "filtered_cachedtables" table-name = "party" source = "@isvisible" match = "1" />< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" option-label-expression = " =:concat(asset/@name, ', ', asset/@id)" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" /><500). Example 3 Auto-completion field to select image assets. The ID of the selected asset is written in an asset feature of the type "asset reference". The generator runs an asset query on the censhare server using an XPath query. In contrast to the second example - here the filtering by the input value is not carried out by the client locally, but rather passed as part of the XPath query to the server. This option should always be used when the expected result set (assets) might be large (approximately >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" search-value-source = "$temp@search" width = "200" popup-row-height = "50" popup-row-width = "250" max-items = "100" >< xe:auto-completion-field source = "asset_feature[feature= 'mf:asset-ref2',value_long2= '0']@value_asset_id" css-key = "asset-info" expression-id = "asset-ref-list" width = "200" max-items = "1000" >< xe:options label-key = "@name" value-key = "@id" >< xe:generator expression = " =:cs:asset()[@censhare:asset.type= 'picture.*']" />

Create entries in pop-up or auto-completion fields

… Within a pop-up or in the auto-completion field, a new asset or asset feature can now be generated. Introduction If text exists in the text entry field, then an

XML Editor - Image Crop widget

… This XML Editor widget defines an image section in pixel with X, Y coordinates for upper left corner, width and height. Introduction In the first step, the widg

XML Editor - URL in embedded web browser

… The Webbrowser widget embeds a (native) Web browser component showing the contents of a specified URL. Besides normal HTTP URLs, the widget also supports censha

XML Editor - Hide toolbar in Structure Editor widget

… Hide the the top and bottom toolbar in the Structure Editor. Overview Additionally, a sub-menu for zoom factors has been incorporated into the context menu. Eve …

Customize text previews with XSLT

… How to customize text previews for the censhare Client. Introduction XML text assets can be constructed by transforming them into an HTML format. The client can …

XML Editor - Include widget with URL parameter

… This extension of the widget 'Include' offers the ability to load dialog definitions from other sources (assets). Overview The widget is equipped with a second

XML Editor - adjustable Text fields

… Configure multiline text fields in the XML Editor to automatically adjust their height to fit the content. Introduction The Editfield widget in the XML Editor c

XML Editor - UIAction widget

… This widget allows you to install buttons inside XML editor dialogues, which enable you to run default actions (UIAction) within the client. Syntax Description