Speed up frequently used actions with keyboard shortcuts in censhare Web.


In censhare Web, you can use a combination of keys to carry out actions that normally need a mouse, trackpad or other input device and often involve opening a menu and searching for an entry. Rather than using any of these, you just press the respective keys on the keyboard.

In censhare Web, keyboard shortcuts are available for:

  • Global search actions, for example opening the Quick search

  • Frequent asset actions, for example starting the dialog for creating an asset or adding a relation

  • Global actions such as opening the User preferences

  • application-specific actions

You find a list of available shortcuts in the "User" menu under "Keyboard shortcuts". There also is a keyboard shortcut to open this list:

⌘ + Shift +k (Mac) or Ctrl +k (Windows) - Opens the keyboard shortcuts help

Keyboard shortcuts: list and description

Keyboard shortcut


Global search

From anywhere in censhare Web

⌘ + Shift + f (Mac)
Ctrl + Shift + f (Windows)

Opens a new search page and places the cursor in the Quick search.

⌘ + Shift + d (Mac)
Ctrl + Shift + d (Windows)

Starts the Detailed search dialog.

Asset actions

From asset pages, asset lists or search lists

⌥ + Shift + n (Mac)
Alt + Shift + n (Windows)

Starts the Create asset dialog.

⌥ + w (Mac)
Alt + w (Windows)

Closes an open asset.


Opens the asset preview.
Only available on the "Overview" tab of an open asset page, when a preview is available for the asset.

⌥ + Shift + d (Mac)
Alt + Shift + d (Windows)

Duplicates the selected asset.

⌘ + Shift + e (Mac) 
Ctrl + Shift + e (Windows)

Opens the Edit properties dialog of the asset.

⌥ + + Shift + f (Mac)
Alt + Shift + f (Windows)

Adds the asset to the Favorites.

⌘ + Shift + right arrow (Mac) 

Ctrl + Shift + right arrow (Windows)

Opens the Workflow dialog of the selected asset to assign a workflow step or target to the asset.

⌥ + Shift + r (Mac)
Alt + Shift + r (Windows)

Opens the Add relation dialog.

⌘ + Shift + s (Mac)

Ctrl + Shift + s (Windows)

Saves and creates a new asset version of any checked-out asset that you selected from a list or that is opened in an asset page.

Global actions

From anywhere in censhare Web

⌘ + Shift + p (Mac) 
Ctrl + Shift + p (Windows)

Opens the User preferences.

⌘ + Shift + k (Mac)
Ctrl + Shift + k (Windows)

Opens Keyboard shortcuts help.

⌘ + Shift + a (Mac) 

Ctrl + Shift + a (Windows)

Opens the About censhare Web dialog.

Content editor

In the Content editor

⌘ + f (Mac)

Ctrl + f (Windows)

Opens the "Search" dialog in the Content editor

⌘ + s (Mac)

Ctrl + s (Windows)

Saves the asset currently open in the Content editor and creates a new version.


You are able to use the keyboard shortcuts in censhare Web.