Results for topic "client":

censhare clients requirements

… Requirements for censhare Client (aka Java-Client), censhare Admin Client, censhare Render Client and censhare Service Client for censhare 2021.x versions. Comp …

censhare Product Documentation

… Learn how to use, administrate, customize, and develop the censhare Omnichannel Content Management Platform. What's new in censhare User Guide Administration_Sy …


… Find the appropriate tools for your tasks in censhare. censhare provides different user client applications that you can use to find and manipulate data and exe …

Set up clients - SysAdmin

… Overview on all censhare client applications. censhare provides several different client applications that allow users to connect to the server, find and manipu …

Client versions - SysAdmin

… With each censhare version, the corresponding client versions are released. The censhare client applications are installed on the workstations of the users. Cli …

Change memory allocation - SysAdmin

… How to change the default memory allocation of the censhare clients. Context This configuration is valid for the censhare Client, censhare Admin Client and cens

censhare clients installation_SysAdmin

… Describe what users learn in this article and when they need this. Learn how to install the censhare clients. For network -specific configuration setting for ce …