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censhare Admin Client

Your key tool for the configuration and customization of the censhare system. Access to the database tables of the master data and to the XML configuration files. Rich set of monitoring tools.

Start the censhare Admin Client

After launching the application, the login procedure to the censhare server is the same as for the censhare Client. It is possible to log into the offline mode, but there is no use for this mode of operation, except to edit the host settings. It is necessary to have administrative permissions to log in with the Admin-Client. The main customization groups of the Admin-client can individually be assigned with readonly- and/or write-permissions. Domain-specific configurations are taken into account to allow the definition of client-based sub-administrators.


  • The toolbar contains buttons for the export of Master data, the Server Action popup menu, the configuration update buttons and a refresh button.

  • The list of configurations groups gives access to all customization features.

  • The status bar shows the connected censhare Application Server and user.

Configuration groups

The customization options of the Admin-Client are divided into several groups, which appear as folders in the main window of the Admin Client:

  • Master data

    Master data are the main administration and configuration tool of any censhare system. They contain all the data definitions that are needed for the operation of the censhare system. They contain data that have to be modified on a regular basis. For example, user accounts, workflow definitions, asset type definitions. Each system comes with a preset of definitions that allow you to operate the server.

    All master data in the censhare system are maintained in database tables. The censhare Admin Client is a simple interface to access, enable and manipulate these data in the database. For each entry in the censhare Admin Client, there exists a corresponding table in the database. It is possible to serialize master data into XML files and import master data from XML files. Changes in the master data become active instantaneously. Master data are automatically maintained at system updates.

  • Status

A rich set of options for monitoring the censhare system.

  • Configuration  
    Access to the XML-file-based customization layer of the censhare system where project- and customer-specific configurations take place. They specify server settings, services and modules that you can use to extend your system. Changes in this group have to be activated by server actions and have to be revised at system updates.

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