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censhare WP

censhare WP improves the performance of the web-based censhare client. The Webpack technology of censhare WP reduces the communication and traffic between the web browser and the censhare Server. Webpack facilitates to transfer static resources to the web browser. Follow this chapter to install and upgrade censhare to 2021.2.x.

As of censhare 2021.2 censhare is released as censhare WP. Follow this chapter to install and upgrade censhare to 2021.2.x.


censhare WP brings performance improvements and increased speed for the web-based client application. It also allows for external authentication methods such as two-factor authentication, LDAP, and SAML as well as integrating your existing identity solutions. censhare WP uses Keycloak for external authentication. Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution. 

Discover the benefits and why you should update to censhare WP now.

Find answers to your use cases and what the update involves for your projects.



For new and update installations and configurations of censhare WP and Keycloak, follow the guides below.

Administrator guide to censhare WP and Keycloak

Follow this guide:

  • if you are a Solution Developer, Project Manager or censhare administrator
  • if you want to install and configure censhare WP on a staging or production system
Administrator guide...

Developer guide to censhare WP and Keycloak

Follow this guide:

  • if you are a developer
  • if you want to install censhare WP on your local computer
  • if you want to develop, test, and commit changes to the censhare WP Git project
Developer guide...

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