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censhare WP - Updating

How to carry out RPM-based updates for censhare WP components and tools.

Check for updates

yum check-update --enablerepo="censhare*"

Update packages

yum update --enablerepo="censhare*" PACKAGE_NAME  

# for example

yum update --enablerepo="censhare*" censhare-static-resource-server 

# or

yum update all --enablerepo="censhare*"

Update Cloud Gateway

The RPM package name for Cloud Gateway has changed from cloud-gateway to core-cloud-gateway.

On existing censhare WP installations that use the old package cloud-gateway with the default port, you must install the new package and release the port as follows: 

  1. Backup the application.yml.
  2. Remove the installed version of cloud-gateway:

    yum remove --enablerepo="censhare* censhare-cloud-gateway  
  3. Install the new package core-cloud-gateway:

    yum install --enablerepo="censhare*" censhare-core-cloud-gateway
  4. Copy the application.yml to the new installation directory core-cloud-gateway.
  5. Make sure that the session handling is configured correctly in the Cloud Gateway. This is required not only for security reasons, but also to avoid broken UI and other issues. If the cg.censhareLogoutUrlparameter is missing in the application.yml, please add it. 

    See the respective section in the Configure session handling for more instructions. 

  6. Restart the service:

    systemctl restart censhare.core-cloud-gateway

Image relocation

For upgrade installations from a release 2021.1.1 or below, you need to relocate your images to work with censhare WP.

Location 2021.1.1 or belowLocation as of 2021.2.2
censhare-Client5/web/img censhare-Client5/web/src/assets/image
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