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Change your password

Learn how to change your censhare user password.


You can change your password at any time.

In these situations a password change is mandatory:

  • When you log into censhare for the first time.
  • If you suspect that an unauthorized person might have had access to your password.
  • Before your password expires you will be prompted in due time, to change your password. 
  • If your administrator has changed the password policies, you are prompted to change your password.

Change password

censhare 2021.2.x and later

As of censhare 2021.2.x, the process to change your password has changed:

  • You are redirected to Keycloak and can change your censhare user password in Keycloak.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Log in to censhare Web with your current password.
  2. In the toolbar at the top right, click your user name to open the user menu.
  3. Select Change password.
    You are redirected to the Keycloak Account Management.
  4. On the Account Security tile, click Signing in and enter your current user credentials.

    This step is sometimes omitted if you have already logged into Keycloak. This is particularly the case if the login to censhare Web took place only a few minutes ago.

  5. On the User Account Service page, select Password on the left.
  6. Under Password, type your current password. 
  7. Under New Password, type your new password.
  8. Under Confirmation, repeat your new password.
  9. Click Save.

Up to censhare 2021.2.1

  1. Log in to censhare Web with your current password.
  2. In the toolbar at the top right, click your user name to open the user menu.
  3. Select Change password.
  4. Under Current password, type your current password.
  5. Under New password, type your new password. See also password rules.
  6. Under Confirmation, repeat your new password.
  7. Click OK.

You do not need to log out and log in again with your new password. Continue to work in censhare Web. At the next login, use your new password to log in.


Your password has been changed.

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