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Detail view

In the detail view of asset lists show two assets from the asset list next to each other in a preview in order to compare them. For example, to find the best photos for your product flyer. 


For this view, there needs to be a preview image available for the asset.


To switch to the detail view, click "Views" in the filter bar and select "Detail view". Click the desired asset on the left in the asset list. It will be shown in the large preview.

You can now compare this asset with another one. To do that, click the "Compare OFF" button in the title bar. The view will be divided into two boxes that both initially show the preview image for the first asset. Click the asset in the list that you want to compare with the first asset. It is shown in the right box. You can now compare the left preview image with the one on the right. Click the arrow in the upper right of the title bar of the "Selection" box to move the right preview image to the left and make it the object of comparison. The column width for both preview images can be adjusted by clicking between both images and dragging the cursor left or right.

To end the comparison, click "Compare ON". The large preview shows the asset you last selected.

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