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Gallery view

In censhare Web, search queries show the results in asset lists in several views. The Gallery view shows as many assets as possible by displaying just the preview image or the icon of each asset.


You must perform a search query or open a filter list.


The Gallery view is available in censhare Web for asset lists such as any search results lists or filter lists like "Last edited or "Favorites. On the search page, on the Top navigation, the filter bar provides the "Views" menu with various views, among them the "Gallery view".

About the Gallery view

In the Gallery view. censhare displays every asset with a preview image or the corresponding icon. The name of the asset is shown in the footer.

You can adjust the size of the preview elements using the slider bar on the top right in the filter bar so that either a lot of elements are shown or only very few. The user settings allow you to specify the default size for elements in the gallery view:

  1. In the "User" menu, select "Settings" and in the "User settings" dialog go to the "Views" tab.

  2. In the "Gallery view size" field, select the desired size, from XS to XL.

Access asset actions

In the Gallery view, you can access several standard actions for any of the assets displayed:

  1. When you move the cursor to the asset element, the asset actions available are shown in the footer to the right of the name.

  2. Click on either of the icons to carry out the respective action for the selected asset such as displaying a preview or open the "Actions" menu to access further actions such as displaying relations or editing properties.

You can carry out any of the available actions without having to open the selected asset first.


You have browsed the thumbnails of the assets of your search query.

Next steps

Carry out asset actions on the selected assets.

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