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Initial censhare Server configuration

After censhare-Server has been installed successfully, some further steps may be needed in order to run the software properly. This article gives the basics about what to configure after a fresh installation.

Configuration files

When you are logged in to the Server as user corpus, you can run the following command to get the config files in place:

mkdir -p ~/cscs/app/config
cd css
for file in app/config/server.xml app/config/launcher.xml
    do cp ~/css/$file ~/cscs/${file/.xml/.$CSS_ID.xml}

Server configuration

If your  CSS_ID  is already master and the current instance is not a remote server, you do not need to change this configuration:

vi cscs/app/config/server.master.xml

The following is configured here:

  • server name and master server name - This is an ID to identify and address a server, so in a remote server scenario, every server knows the other servers by this name, or also called  CSS_ID. 

  • If you want to bind the server at startup to a specific RMI Hostname, configure it here. Just change the value to your desired hostname and enabled to true: 

    sysproperty key="java.rmi.server.hostname" value="censhare" enabled="false"

Launcher configuration

Here you can specify how much memory can be used for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The default of 1GB is usually not enough for production systems and should be only used on small developer installations and for testing purposes. 

vi cscs/app/config/launcher.master.xml

The XML file also has some examples, so you can put the default in comment, and outcomment one of the other settings, for example change the first commented block with 2556MB JVM size, so it looks like this: 

<!-- @jvm1.start@ current: machines with 8 or more threads 64Bit Java, RAM greater-equal 4GB -->
<!-- @jvm1.end@ -->

Comment the last block to disable it: 

<!-- @jvm.replace.start@ defaults to machines 1-3 CPUs, poor RAM
@jvm.replace.end@ -->


If you are logged in to the Server as user corpus, you can run the following command to get the config file in place: 

mkdir -p ~/cscs/app/services/database
cp ~/css/app/services/database/config.xml ~/cscs/app/services/database/

Database Service

If you run an Oracle Database on the same server as you installed censhare-Server and your database service is called  corpus  as well as the user and the password is corpus , you do not need to change anything here. To use this service, first setup your database.

Oracle Database

Find the following scripts to use with your Oracle Installation in order to create the user and database: 

css/database/create-db.sql (only if you use standard edition)
css/database/create-db-enterprise-edition.sql (only if you use enterprise edition)


Find the following scripts to use with your PostgreSQL Installation in order to create the user and database: 


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