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Project FAQ censhare WP and Keycloak


What should we do to onboard to censhare WP and Keycloak?


censhare WP and Keycloak bring about some important changes regarding installation, configuration and development.

It is therefore mandatory that you make yourself familiar with the product and developer documentation and tutorials before you start out to upgrade or install to censhare releases as of 2022.2:

Read the following chapters:

You also need knowledge about Keycloak as some configurations and customization are moved to Keycloak and can only be carried out in Keycloak.

Frontend customization cs Web

  • Customizations: If the project has its own customization in form of additional frontend code (placed in the censhare-Custom folder), you need to properly build and deployed the expansions.  See (2021.2) Release frontend bundles and (2021.2) Build, release & deploy bundles.
  • Branding: The dynamic branding with a  Branding asset that is assigned in the  System asset does no longer work. The  Branding asset is deprecated. If you upgrade your branded censhare from an earlier version to censhare WP, you must implement the new branding. Your old branding will not work on censhare WP. See (2021.2) Custom branding (censhare WP).


As a censhare partner, can we deploy censhare WP ourselves?

Please note, that you need direct access to your environments (for example, data center) to be able to deploy censhare WP on your own.

Are our data centers ready to roll out censhare WP and Keycloak?

Yes. Your data center infrastructure is ready for censhare WP and Keycloak.

Is censhare IT able to update/upgrade our systems to censhare WP and what needs to be considered for existing customers?

Yes. censhare IT is well prepared to take care of updating or upgrading your systems to censhare WP. When updating to new censhare versions, censhare IT will install censhare WP and Keycloak as well.

As a partner, which development environment can I use?

We do not officially provide a development environment for partners that are supported by censhare. In some special cases, a Docker environment is requested which we can only provide as-is. You can use it at your own risk but we do not provide any documentation or support.

Which censhare release can we use as a fallback, if something goes wrong with the censhare WP installation?


censhare 2021.1.x can be used as a downgrade. Between censhare 2021.1.x and censhare 2021.2 and above, the database schema did not change.


Will there be changes to the infrastructure costs?


At the moment, please consider 2 GB RAM per computer (ca. 20€/month).
For Keycloak, see Keycloak system requirements.


Will there be changes to SLA and support due to Keycloak?


For understandable reasons, we cannot provide 2nd or 3rd level support for Keycloak. Our support services are limited to the integration of Keycloak with censhare. As Keycloak is a third-party tool, we cannot influence or change how Keycloak behaves. 

How is Keycloak licensed?


Keycloak is an open-source software product to allow single sign-on with Identity and Access Management aimed at modern applications and services. The open-source project is under the stewardship of Red Hat.

Keycloak is published under the free Apache 2.0 license.

Keycloak is based on standard protocols and provides support for OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0, and SAML.

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