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Table view

In censhare Web, searches return a list of assets in different views. The Table view displays the results of your search in a hierarchical table that includes details for each asset. 


censhare Web offers a Table view for many types of asset lists. For example, search results and filtered lists such as "Last edited or "Tasks”. The "Table view" is available from the “Views” menu in the title bar.

  • Provide a structured, hierarchical view of the assets that are in your search results.

  • Provide quick access to the assets that are related to assets in your search results.

  • Display and sort information about the assets in columns and rows.

  • Provide access to standard asset actions directly from the rows of the table.


The "Table view" creates a structured table from a list of assets. The columns of the table show specific information about each asset. For example, the type, creation date, or workflow step of the asset. Your censhare Web configuration defines which columns the table displays. The Table view is similar to the Column view, with related assets displayed in rows instead of columns. Unlike the Column view, you can expand and display multiple asset structures at the same time.

View related assets

To display the assets that are related to an asset in your search results:

  1. In the title bar of your search results page, click the "Views" icon and select "Table view" from the drop-down list. Your search results display in a table.

  2. To show or hide the child and parent assets that are related to the selected asset, click the arrow at the beginning of the row.

Sort the table

To change the order in which information in the table appears, use the "Sort by" menu in the title bar. Select any column that is available in the table. The table is sorted accordingly.

Asset actions

In the Table view, you can access actions for each of the assets that is displayed. You do not need to open the asset to use the asset actions:

  1. Select an asset in a table row. The actions that are available for the asset display.

    • Preview the asset.

    • Open the asset.

    • Open the Actions menu of the asset.


You can view and access asset relations of the assets that are listed in your search results.

Next steps

You can apply asset actions to assets that are listed in your search results.

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