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InCopy Editor known issues

We are constantly working on improving our InCopy Editor. However, for now, there are a few known issues we would like to inform you about.


Soft returns/Forced line breaks issues

The following issues have been detected when working with soft returns (forced line breaks, i.e., line breaks that does not start a new paragraph):

  • Soft returns/Forced line breaks are lost during copy-pasting when:

    • You have changes tracking on.
    • You switch tabs in the InCopy Editor between copy and paste operations, i.e., you copy, switch tabs, and then paste.
    • You copy and paste a piece of text from InCopy Editor to Microsoft Word.
  • When you want to delete soft returns, but you have changes tracking on, that won't work. You need to turn off changes tracking before deleting them.

Line breaks/Paragraphs

Line breaks get removed when you add a note at the end of a line, check-in/save the asset, and then switch the tabs. 

When Track Changes is ON | Issues with changes tracking

When the tracking mode is ON, the following issues may take place.

  • Line breaks (soft returns) are lost during copy-pasting.
  • When you create a new paragraph above an existing one, and then start typing, the paragraph below jumps up and the first typed character is not tracked.
  • Changes are not highlighted if you previously right-click on any word and then delete it.
  • When you want to navigate between your changes ("Go to the previous change" or "Go to the next change" buttons):
    • The navigation will only highlight changes with some existing text that has been deleted or overwritten/replaced with another, but will skip any completely new text
    • Empty spaces (although tracked as a change) will be skipped.
    • Some other changes may be skipped.
  • Changes tracking and notes:
    • New notes added to any text marked as a change will also be recognized and tracked as part of that change. 
    • Notes are tracked as a change if you have set a color for tracking changes in your user profile.
  • Changes tracking and invisible characters:
    • Track changes stops working after turning the invisible characters on and off.
    • Track changes and invisible characters cannot be enabled at the same time. 

Color for highlighting tracked changes

Changes are supposed to be highlighted with the color specified in your user profile. However, this color is being changed to the default orange color after checking-in the asset, but only for the assets that ever had any unresolved changes before.

Issues with changes made in different clients (Web, Java Client InCopy Editor, and Adobe InCopy application)

  • Changes made in the Web Client are not highlighted in the Adobe InCopy application.
  • Changes made in the Web Client are not highlighted in the Web Client itself, in case you edit the same ICML asset in any of the other two clients, and then go back to the Web Client.

However, if you use any of the buttons “Accept”, “Reject”, “Go to next”, “Go to previous”, they will be working for all changes, also for changes done in the Web Client, even though such changes won't be highlighted.

  • If you add a hyperlink to an ICML asset using the Web Client, this asset can’t be opened in the Java Client InCopy Editor. 

Copy-pasting any text inside the InCopy Editor

  • If you copy and then paste some text in the middle of a line, the rest of the paragraph where you added it, will disappear after checking-in the asset. 
  • Pasted text cannot be copied again right after the pasting.
  • Text containing special symbols cannot be copy-pasted.
  • The style of text may change after the cut-and-copy operation.
  • When you copy/cut and paste one of the following elements, only the text (content) but not the formatting will be pasted. Such elements include tables, anchors, hyperlinks, and notes. 

 Copy-pasting between Word and InCopy Editor

  • When you copy-paste a piece of text from Word into the InCopy Editor:
    • Safari only: additional paragraphs (i.e., empty lines) will be added at the end of the added piece. 
    • Safari only: invisible characters are not converted correctly, i.e., appear as something different in the InCopy Editor. 
    • Soft returns/forced line breaks are lost.

Adding new text

The newly added text will not be saved upon saving the asset if you switched between the asset tabs right before adding it.

Applying character style for a text selection

  • When you select some text and then apply a character style to it, the selection will be changed and a few characters at the beginning and the end of the selection will be outside the previous selection. 
  • New notes added to any text with an applied character style will inherit this style. The style of the notes cannot be changed later, even if you change the character style of the text where it is placed. 

Invisible character

Track changes and invisible characters cannot be enabled at the same time. 

Undo/Redo buttons

Undo/Redo buttons may fail to work properly in the following cases:

  • For ICML assets with multiple stories, the undo/redo won't work for the find-and-replace operation, i.e., replacements cannot be undone. 
  • If you make some changes and switch tabs on the asset page without checking-in the asset, you won't be able to undo/redo changes after coming back to the Editor. The undo/redo buttons will be shown as disabled. 


  • When you open an asset, the layout dropdown doesn't show selected layout on the "Preview InCopy" widget.
  • If an ICML asset was not created from the layout, but was placed there, then, when you select a story in the Preview or in the Editor, it won't be highlighted in the other. I.e., the connection between the story selected in the Preview and in the Editor is not working.


  • Notes are tracked as a change if you have set a color for tracking changes in the user profile.
  • New notes added to any text marked as a change will also be recognized and tracked as part of that change. Consequently, such notes will be removed if you reject a corresponding change.
  • Notes are editable when "Expand notes" button is set to ON. This is not the intended functionality, and we strongly recommend to open a note editing window for this purpose.  
  • Line breaks get removed when you add a note at the end of a line, check-in/save the asset, and then switch the tabs. 
  • When notes are collapsed, and you want to navigate in the text using your keyboard, you also navigate through the note, and it is shown as a text in a superscript formatting. 


When notes are collapsed, and you put the cursor into the text and move it using your keyboard, the asset gets checked-out. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.