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Release information

censhare 2022-1 

2022-1-0     September-06, 2022

With this major release, we bring some long-requested and important product updates to you .

In addition, we improved and enhanced several features and solved multiple issues. 

2022-1-1     March-06, 2023

With this minor release, we roll out multiple bug fixes and security enhancements. We updated all critical third-party libraries to catch up with the industry best practices.

2022-1-2     July-18, 2023

With this patch release, we roll out multiple bug fixes, changes, and optimizations. 

2022-1-3     January-09, 2024

The newest patch release for censhare 2022.1, fixing all bugs found since the previous patch.

Upgrade notes

When you are upgrading from censhare 2021.1.1 or below, please note that there are important changes! Follow  Updates & Upgrades and read Technical FAQ censhare components and Keycloak.


In times of distributed organizations and decentralized work scenarios, the performance of your applications is of high importance. Page load speed and responsiveness are key to an engaging user experience. That is why we have been transitioning to new webpacked technology. Like many modern web applications, censhare now uses bundling and minification technology to reduce communication and data traffic between the web browser and the censhare Server. 

censhare now provides an external authentication solution, Keycloak, that can integrate existing authentication methods. U sers can be authenticated within Keycloak against an Active Directory or an LDAP server. If you use an external identity provider, Keycloak serves as an identity broker between the identity provider and censhare. If you use Keycloak with the censhare standard authentication, Keycloak serves as a gatekeeper to the censhare Server. 


  • Additional components and tools need to be installed and initially configured.

Authentication and authorization

censhare now provides authentication options through Keycloak, an open-source identity and access management solution

  • The user management needs to be adjusted accordingly.
  • Migration of users must be carried out in Keycloak.
  • The login page must be customized in Keycloak.
  • We provide comprehensive authorization mapping that helps you synchronize your user and authentication management between censhare and Keycloak.

Frontend customization

  • A custom frontend now requires a modified upgrade workflow that is significantly different from previous versions. It includes packaging, building and releasing your customizations, such as brandings or multiples locales, into webpack bundles on your test or deployment system and copying them to your production system.

We highly recommend that you read the relevant guides carefully. Please plan more time and efforts for your upgrade.


Highlights CORE

censhare Mail service - Modern Authentication OAuth 2.0 added 

The Mail microservice connects to Exchange Online using the modern protocol Microsoft Graph API. Microsoft Graph is the gateway to data and intelligence in Microsoft 365. It provides a unified programmability model that you can use to access data in Microsoft 365, Windows, and Enterprise Mobility + Security.

Read more

(2022.1) Install containerized Mail service (optional)

E-Mail service _SysAdmin
Mail Service app registration for OAuth 2.0

E-Mail command - SysAdmin

Deployment and customization improvements 

Improvements on deployment and customization workflows.

Read more

Getting started censhare for developers

Customization recipes for developers

Installation tutorial (RPM-based)

Initial configuration for productive systems

Asset Deletion 3  - Improvements

Previously, asset deletion policies could be configured to remove all asset versions. Starting from censhare 2022.1.2, keeping the first version of an asset is enforced. Users cannot configure Asset Deletion 3 to keep zero versions. 

We also solved the issue with the Asset Deletion 3 report: it is now in sync with the actual process and shows correct information, helping admins to double-check which assets are going to be deleted. 

Read more

Asset Deletion 3 - Remove versions SysAdmin

Asset Deletion 3 - Check constraints for deletion SysAdmin

Asset Deletion 1, 2 and 3 - Comparison

macOS - Monterey and Ventura support

censhare officially supports macOS 12 Monterey and macOS 13 Ventura, also for the Adobe plugin.

Read more

censhare compatibility with operating systems

censhare clients requirements

Adobe plugin compatibility matrix

Adobe InDesign support

VFS improvements

The size of data which is transferred between server and client is now configurable via a prefetch size parameter and disk space that is available for the client's file cache. By increasing the prefetched size, larger data chunks are exchanged, hence, reducing the amount of RMI network calls. Depending on the network connection, a larger value can significantly increase the performance. Available for 2022.1.1.

Read more

VFS Configuration

Highlights DAM

censhare Client (aka Java Client) - Communication tab enhancement

In the censhare Client, users can now add comments and markers to image assets. The communication is immediately reflected in censhare Web for a seamless communication.

Read more

Communicate on assets (censhare Client)

Stored searches - Improved structure

A new asset type search group is available. On the search group the stored searches and search groups can be assigned.

As an administrator you can set up a search group hierarchy in the system workspace.

Read more

Users: Store, share and manage searches_user

Administrators: Manage stored and shared searches

Video previews and transcoding - Support for AWS Elemental Media Convert

Generate video previews and transcode videos into other formats and sizes with AWS Elemental MediaConvert.

Read more

Video previews and transcoding with AWS Elemental MediaConvert

Highlights PIM

Product assets - Change detection in asset structures

Many use cases require data modeling in asset structures. For example in products and layouts. The change detection allows to detect changes in asset structures in the root assets of a structure, and trigger a subsequent event. 

Read more

Change detection in asset structures

Highlights Print Production

Editor for Adobe InCopy documents - Find & replace

You can now search and replace text in an ICML Story and also in tracked changes.

Read more

Edit ICML texts

Adobe plugin - Adobe 2022 support

The censhare Adobe plugin supports Adobe 2022 on macOS and Windows.

Read more

censhare clients requirements

Adobe 2023 support

censhare now supports the file type for documents created in Adobe 2023 as well as offers a plugin for this Adobe version.

Read more

censhare clients requirements

Adobe InDesign support

Highlights HCMS

Release Notes - Updates and fixes

The release notes provide the list of new features, enhancements, resolved issues for major and minor censhare releases. 

censhare GmbH takes no responsibility for the correctness or completeness of the release notes in these excel files. In case of doubt, please refer to the original release note files published with the client packages or get in touch with your contact at censhare.

Download full list of updates and fixes



  • Server command Generate placeholder previews (client command) (app/modules/generate-placeholder-preview)
  • The censhare Adobe plugin without VFS is no longer supported.
  • Adobe Creative Cloud/Suite for versions below Adobe CC 2018 is no longer supported.


The following modules are disabled:

  • Module abril (archive)
  • Module bsh (groovy macros)
  • Module endresshauser (SOAP, web collector, cert!)
  • Module heliosk (Excel export)
  • Module hevert (feature import, )
  • Module migros (barcode, images ...)
  • Module natmags (Archive) -> hearst
  • Module weka (RTF export)
  • Module MOS
  • Module gsa (Google Search Appliance)
  • Module pageflip
  • Module Offline-DB
  • Module linguistcs (Averbis, TopicZoom, unused, raw CDB handling format)
  • Module DownloadLinkViewerContainer - Create slideshow download link

Third-party deprecations | 3D model formats

The following formats for 3D models have been recently deprecated by their third-party providers:

  • .AWD

The data can be kept in the censhare system, but no preview can be generated for such models. 

Known issues

An overview of known conceptual and functional limitations. The overview is not intended and does not serve as a binding and complete bug and missing features list.

InCopy Editor known issues

We are constantly working on improving our InCopy Editor. However, for now, there are a few known issues we would like to inform you about. Please refer to this page for the full list.

Content Editor known issue 

Footnotes get split up into multiple ones when a part of the footnote is formatted. We recommend to refrain from using any formatting with footnotes and apologize for the inconvenience. 

Static resource server in version 2.0.43

The static resource server is using an old spring version with contains a security vulnerability.

We will update the spring version soon.

Version parity required between censhare Java-based clients and censhare Server when Keycloak is used as identity broker 

You can only connect with a censhare Java-based client (censhare Client, Admin Client, Render Client) 2022.1.x via Keycloak to the censhare Server of the the same version 2022.1.x. Older clients do not work and the following error message displays: UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "socket-timeout-millis".

Exception: Keycloak with censhare standard authentication

Flatplan known issue

When working with flatplans for print & publication planning, you may encounter the following problem. When you add a multipage PDF in the flatplan editor, the size of the pages will be shown bigger as they are and as exceeding the size of the issue pages.

Both censhare Web flatplans and censhare Client flatplans are affected. In censhare Client, you will also see the error Parts are outside of the printable area in the Warnings tab. Possible consequences are:

  • Issue asset export. If you use the Standard export option to export the issue asset, the sizes of all page should be correct and as specified on the issue asset. Other export options may not work as expected.
  • Workflows that rely on the page sizes may inherit the wrong calculation. This is currently being investigated.

We are actively working on solving this issue. 

Full list of known issues......

[CSVASTXX-840] Web UI 'Quarantine role' is not presented User has 'Quarantine role' UI. User has restricted permissions.User has normal UI but doesn't have permissions to create/ edit assets.
[CSVASTXX-837] Permissions & restrictions - Workflow target state restriction issueUser with role with restricted Workflow target state should be not able to change Workflow out of this Workflow step.

[CSVASTXX-836] Permissions & restrictions - Workflow state restriction issue
User with role with restricted Workflow state can open and save asset properties.
[CSVASTXX-833]Video is trimmed inaccurately

[CSVASTXX-834]InCopy Editor - Safari - Create notes behaves incorrectlyA new note is created.Existing note is edited. Also, new notes are created not on cursor, but near another note.
[CSVASTXX-832] InCopy Editor -  Safari - Note is created outside the text after Cancel action, even if cursor is inside the text.

[CSVASTXX-827] Incopy Editor - Numbered lists

A new list item is created at the correct location.

In the Incopy Editor for Adobe documents, when adding a new list item, the cursor is placed in front of the list instead of at the end of the list. 
[CSVASTXX-825]InCopy Editor -  Pasted text with formatting marks works incorrectly if pasted inside paragraph

Text is pasted without hard and soft returns. If the text is pasted close to an invisible character in an existing paragraph, the pasted text becomes red.

[CSVASTXX-824] InCopy Editor -  Asset is not checked-in after Cancel action, when invisible characters are enabled

On open ICML asset should be checked in, even when invisible characters are enabled.

Asset isn't checked-in after Cancel, when invisible characters are enabled. Changes are gone, but asset is not checked-in. If invisible characters are disabled, the asset is checked-in.
[CSVASTXX-476]InCopy Editor - Text cut from editor and pasted as "undefined" when Track changes is ON

In an open ICML asset with enable Track changes enabled, cut and pasted text is inserted as "undefined".
[CSVASTXX-742]censhare Web - Empty screen instead of "Connection interrupted" when session is closed

When a session is closed, users  must get "Connection interrupted" label.

Instead, users get an empty screen.
[CSVASTXX-469]Project editor - ‘Week starts on’ preferences are not applied to Timeline at Project editor

Week starts on preferences are not applied when set.
[CSVASTXX-433] censhare Web - Search - User with Specialist role can't relate searches to groups 

Specialist role has Plan & relate permission set. Other relations work fine. When Specialist user tries to add search to group, nothing happens.


Authentication - Close Session through Keycloak fails 

When a user is created through Keycloak and logs in to the Client.

Steps : 

  1. Go to Keycloak administration Console.
  2. Click on Sessions->client->Show Sessions->Click on User->Sessions.
  3. Click on "Logout of all sessions".

The user should be logged out of all the active sessions. 

The user is not logged out and all the sessions are active and can perform all actions. 

Asset creation - Asset can be created without filling required fields 

Asset can not be created until required fields are filled.

Task assets can be created without filling required Date fields.


CI HUB - Folder added via CI HUB is opened with error

Folder added via CI HUB should be opened

After clicking “Reload folder” button, the folder is opened without error.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.