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Working time conversions

In projects and tasks, you can plan and track working times. Working times can be entered in hours, days, weeks and months. censhare converts all times in hours - the base unit. Define the conversion rates in the censhare Admin-Client.


Working times are used in the team workload planning and the project editor.


You need access to the censhare Admin Client to carry out this configuration.


For the duration and working time for a task, censhare uses "Working hour(s)" as the base unit. However, because it is simpler to express larger periods of time in "Working day(s)", "Working week(s)" or "Working month(s)", the user can also select these as the unit of measure. censhare then calculates that automatically in working hours. censhare uses default values for these units. However, the values and conversion factors can be adjusted in the Admin Client.

Units and conversion factors

Working times are defined in the "Units" table in the "Master data" folder. In the search bar select the "Name" feature and enter "Working" in the search field. You will see all four entries.

Click the corresponding entry for the day, week or month in order to edit the factor. In the "Basic unit" section you will find the "Unit" and the "Factor" fields.
In the first, the unit is selected that serves as basis for the current unit. In the latter, the conversion factor is defined. The unit "Working hour(s)" is the base unit of the others. The base unit itself has no base unit and conversion factor. In the other units, however, the base unit and conversion factors must be defined:



Base unit



Working hour(s)*




To change these settings, you must activate the "Admin mode".

Do not change the base unit!

Working day(s)


Working hour(s)


Working week(s)


Working hour(s)


Working month(s)


Working hour(s)


* This is the base unit. Therefore, it has no base unit and factor assigned. Do not change the base unit, otherwise, applications using the working times will not work properly!

** The value represents an average of 21 working days per month. Actual values may vary since months can have 28, 29, 30 or 31 days.

Unit set

Unit sets are a grouping that can be defined for any units defined in censhare. Instead of querying the individual units, for example in a widget, you just need a single query to display all units of a set. The working time units defined in the "Units" table are grouped in a unit set called "Working times".

The unit set "Working times" is defined in the "Unit sets" table in the "Master data" folder. To find it in the table, search for the name "Working times". In the "Units" section, the respective working time units are assigned and sorted:






The sorting defines the order, in which the units are displayed. To change the sorting, add or remove units, you must activate the "Admin mode". Read here how to do this. Removing a unit here only removes it from the unit set, the unit itself will not be deleted.







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