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Administrator role and access

Your role, tasks and special permissions as a system administrator.

As a censhare system administrator—that is, a user assigned to the Administrator profile — you are the user with the largest set of permissions and your role is very important.

Your role and tasks

You are responsible to set up censhare for your organization. Your role includes to set up the user accounts and profiles and define what users can and cannot see and do in censhare. This is very important as it impacts the data security and proper use of the platform and its content.

As an administrator, you are also the first person of contact in case your users need any support. For example, to reset a password or configure a search query. 

You also take care to configure the heart of the censhare DAM, the asset life cycle management.

Your permissions

As an administrator, you have special permissions for each censhare client. A specific administrative access mode allows you to do advanced and bulk administration tasks.

Before you start

We recommend that you attend one of the Administrator trainings we provide at censhare.

Check out our latest dates and what you can expect to learn in this course.

Administrator training

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