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Asset lists

Search queries and filter pages such as Favorites and Last edited show results in asset lists. Filter, sort and group them to your needs. Access asset actions from the lists and select how you want to view information.


This diagram shows an asset list of search results displayed in the  List view  (4) with an expanded  Filter panel  (3)   and  Detail panel  (10). Search menu and quick-search field (1). Search page icon and title (2).  Filter results  field (5).  Views  menu (6).  Sort by  menu (7).  Detail panel  control (6).  Preview Open , and asset actions (9).

Available features 

In the list view, you can access the following features. 




Filter panel

Apply filters to refine the search results that are displayed in an asset list. For example, asset type, asset category, and MIME type. The filter panel displays filters in an expandable, hierarchical tree structure.

Filter results

Use the  Filter results  field (5) to fine-tune the results that are shown in an asset list. censhare begins to filter the results as soon as you enter three characters.

Sort by

Use the  Sort by  field to sort an asset list based on specific criteria. For example, the relevance of the result or specific asset properties such as type or domain. Based on the defined criteria, you can specify whether the entries are sorted in ascending or descending order. For certain asset details, you can also organize the list in groups.

Detail panel

You can show or hide a  Detail panel  that shows more information for the selected asset. Open the panel to get a quick overview of the asset properties.

Asset actions


Move your cursor over an asset in the asset list to display options to  Preview,  Open, and access asset actions. You can apply asset actions to one or more assets directly from the asset list. When you select multiple assets, the number of selected assets and the available actions are shown above the asset list.

View types

Web UI offers different representations of the asset lists. They fulfil different purposes as explained in the table below.

The last three view types enable you to visualize relations between assets. How to work with them, is explained in more detail here.

View type


Use case 

Special features

List view

Select the  List view  to see more details about each asset in an asset list. For example, the asset type and modification date. Because more information is shown for each asset, fewer assets fit into the asset list area.

Gallery view

Select the  Gallery view  to get a quick overview of as many assets as possible in a single view. In this view, censhare displays only the preview image or icon of each asset.

The preview size can be adjusted with a slider.

Card view

Select the  Card view  to display a larger preview image for each asset with some details.

Detail view

Select the  Detail view  to compare the previews of two assets. Use the zoom function to compare the asset details.

Two selected assets can be compared. Learn more.
  • Click the desired asset on the left in the asset list. It will be shown in the large preview.
  • Click the "Compare OFF" button in the title bar. The view will be divided into two boxes that both initially show the preview image for the first asset.
  • Click the asset in the list that you want to compare with the first asset. It is shown in the right box.
  • You can now compare the left preview image with the one on the right.
  • To move the right preview image to the left and make it the object of comparison click the arrow in the upper right of the title bar of the "Selection" box.
  • The column width for both preview images can be adjusted by clicking between both images and dragging the cursor left or right.
  • To end the comparison, click "Compare ON". The large preview shows the asset you last selected.

Column view

Select the  Column view  to explore the environment of an asset. Based on the type of asset that is selected, this view shows the related assets in separate columns.

See next section

Relation view

Select the  Relation view  to see a graphical display of the relations between assets. Assets with the same relation are bundled together.

See next section

Table view

Select the  Table view  to display the search results in a hierarchical table with additional asset details. Use this view to access individual assets in the asset list and the related assets directly.

  • The list can be sorted using the Sort By field in the title bar.
  • You can explore and manager asset relations. See next section.

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