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Configure detail panel

Detail panel now supports dialog assets as source for what is shown in panel.

Detail panel configuration

Detail panel is displayed next to a list view. It shows information about the selected asset(s), such as workflow step, status, and a few properties specified in the standard metadata dialogue asset for images. Starting from 2022.2.x, you can customize the underlying Default Detail Panel Metadata Display dialogue asset to show various information. Using the XML editor, you can make it look up at any other dialogue(s). Apart from this, you can create multiple default panels to make this widget look differently for different types of assets. For this:

  • go to the  Default Detail Panel Metadata Display dialogue asset or create a resource replace variant of it
  • open the Administration tab
  • in the generic asset administration -› resource -› resource metadata
    • enter a filter like the one in the example below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xmldata source-asset-filter=":starts-with(asset/@type, 'picture.')><selection needed="false"/></xmldata>

  1. Inside the Administration, make sure that the Resource usage field remains set to 

  2. If you want to customize detail panel using the XML editor, please keep in mind that it needs to be combined with the resource replace variant. Otherwise, your changes will be overwritten with the next censhare update.

Detail panel behaviour

There are a few things to remember about the detail panel behaviour.

  • If you configured more than one detail panel for different asset types, and the user selects assets of different types at the same time, the detail panel behaviour will fall back to its default. It means that the default detail panel will be shown, regardless of the selected asset types. The default panel supports image metadata.
  • It can come to a situation when some properties do not exist for all assets as selected assets are of different types. In the detail panel, the respective property fields will be shown with «multiple values».

  • Starting from 2022.2.x, the detail panel changed its behaviour. It remains open when user switches between multiple list views (searches) and is able to display values for more than one selected asset. However, you can disable this functionality. For this, on every dialogue asset, including Default Detail Panel Metadata Display and its derivatives you‘ve created, simply untick Enabled in the Administration.

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