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Learn what metrics mean and how to find them in the Insights web UI.

Metrics Access

Access to metrics is restricted based on the group membership of the user. Groups represent partners. 

The diagram below illustrates this structure:

PartnersThe top level that represents a partner or company. 
ClientsThe level below the partner. It represents one of the clients that a partner manages. Each client has only one partner associated. A partner can have several clients. 
ClustersThe level below the client. It represents a group of censhare Servers. Each cluster has only one client and a client can have several clusters. 
ServerThe lowest level which is a server.

The illustration below shows how this is related to the permission rights.

  • user A is added to Partner A and therefore allowed to access metrics of the servers 1, 2 and 3. These servers are associated with Partner A.
  • user B is added to Partner A and Partner B and therefore allowed to access metrics of the servers 1 to 5. 

It is not possible to handpick access on any of the levels below partners. 

Which metrics are collected




Name of the censhare Server

TimestampShows when the metric has been collected.
Used connectionsCount of clients currently logged-in to the censhare Server.

Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Total MemoryTotal amount of memory available to Java Virtual Machine
Used MemoryAmount of memory currently used by Java Virtual Machine

Master data

WorkflowsCount of defined workflows
Application serversCount of connected censhare application servers
FeaturesCount of defined and assignable features
DomainsCount of defined domains
2nd domainsCount of defined 2nd domains
RolesCount of defined roles

Operating system

Load averageMeasure of the average amount of computational work that a system performs
Available processorsCount of system's available CPUs

Database connections

Used connectionsCount of connections to database currently being in use
Total connectionsCount of currently available database connections
Max connectionsCount of maximum configurable database connections

Layout service

InvocationsCount of requests being sent to Adobe InDesign Service
LimitMaximum number of requests that can be sent to Adobe InDesign Service at the same time

Image service

InvocationsCount of requests being sent to Image Service
LimitMaximum number of requests that can be sent to Image Service at the same time

Asset management

Average check out time

Average duration of asset check-out

Max check out time

Maximum duration of asset check-out

Average check in time

Average duration of asset check-in

Max check in time

Maximum duration of asset check-in

Embedded database

Average read time

Average time needed to read an entry in the embedded database

Max read time

Maximum time needed to read an entry in the embedded database

Average update time

Average time needed to update an entry in the embedded database

Max update time

Maximum time needed to update an entry in the embedded database

Write checkpoint time

Time needed to write checkpoint to embedded database

Average query time

Average time needed to query the embedded database

Max query time

Maximum time needed to query the embedded database

SQL database

Average generate sequence time

Average time needed to create a sequence in the SQL database


Max generate sequence time

Maximum time needed to create a sequence in the SQL database

Average insert/update/delete time

Average time needed for the execution of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements in the SQL database

Max insert/update/delete time

Maximum time needed for the execution of INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements in the SQL database

Average query time

Average time needed to execute a query in the SQL database


Max query time

Maximum time needed to execute a query in the SQL database


Total amount

Total count of registered users

Users without password

Count of registered users who do not have a password set

Logged-in users

Count of users currently logged-in to the system

Users logged-in all time

Count of users that have logged into the system at least once since the logging tool has been deployed

Logged-in clients - java client

Total count of all java clients (censhare Client) currently logged-in to the system

Logged-in clients - web client

Total count of all java clients (censhare Web) currently logged-in to the system

Logged-in clients - admin client

Total count of all java clients (censhare Admin Client) currently logged-in to the system

Logged-in clients - service client

Total count of all java clients (censhare Service Client) currently logged-in to the system

Logged-in clients - renderer client

Total count of all java clients (censhare Render Client) currently logged-in to the system

Total logged-in clients

Total count of all currently logged-in censhare clients. Each user can be logged-in with multiple clients. This metric is the sum of the five previous ones. (And not a count of unique users).

Viewing Metrics: Dashboard

In a few easy steps you can handpick server metrics that you need.

Please make sure that you have been assigned necessary rights before proceeding. Otherwise, you won't be able to see any metrics.

Retrieve metrics

  1. To view metrics of a server, you must first select its partner, client, and cluster (exactly in this order, from top to bottom in the filter section). The cluster list contains only clusters of the partner you have access to.
  2. Once you selected the cluster, the server list is updated with the servers of the selected cluster.
  3. Continue by selecting the time range. If you want to see a specific day, use the same start and end date.
  4. Select the metrics you want to see.
  5. To retrieve and see the metrics click on the "Show" button.
  6. A chart will be populated with the metrics you have chosen.
  7. Hover over the chart if you want to display values for a specific hour.

Access metrics documentation

If you want to check the exact meaning of any metric, you can quickly access the metrics cheat sheet. Click on the Documentation link in the top right corner of the Insights web application. 

Export metrics

  1. Click the blue arrow icon on the top right of the chart.
  2. When you click the button, it generates and downloads the Excel files.
  3. Check your download folder to find the files.
  4. Each metric is exported to a separate Excel file.

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