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Social media management

The Social Media service and Social Media Publishing wizard integrate your social media management seamlessly in censhare Web. Configuration steps, domain and permission setup, and custom workflows for the social media management functionality.


With the social media management integration, users can plan, create, publish, and evaluate their social media activities entirely in censhare Web. Media assets such as images and videos can be posted directly from censhare to social networks.

Social media integration works bi-directionally. User engagements are sent to censhare and displayed in the social media post assets.


  • Set up the Social media service:  This service can run on the same host as the censhare Server, or an independent machine.

  • Create social media apps:  The connection between the censhare Social Media service and the social networks requires applications to connect to the APIs that are provided by the social networks. The setup must be done in each social network that you want to connect to.

  • Configure the Social networks module:  The server module handles the connection between the censhare Server and the censhare Social Media service. The module also maps the workflow and workflow steps to publication steps of social media posts.

Governance model

The social media management works with the standard governance model of the censhare Dedicated solutions, as well as with a custom governance model. To work properly, ensure the following setup for  domains  and  permissions:

  • Domains:  The system user that connects to the censhare Server via the REST API must have access to the domain in which images and videos are stored that are posted on the social media channels. For the censhare Dedicated solutions, this is the  Media  domain. For more information, see  Domain framework for dedicated solutions.

  • Permissions:  Users who create social media posts with the Social media publishing wizard need the  app_social_post_wizard  permission. Users who log in to a social network via a channel need the  app_social_channel_login  permission. You can grant both permissions using the  app_social_all  permission. For more information, see Role and permission schemas for dedicated solutions.


The censhare Dedicated solutions come with a simple  Social post  workflow, that can be used as-is, or extended according to your needs. By default, the  Social post  workflow comprises the following steps:

  • Ready for publishing:  This workflow step triggers the invocation of the Social media service that publishes the post to the corresponding social network. In the basic setup, this is also the last step of the Social media publishing wizard. When a user creates a social media post with the wizard, the social media post asset is put in this workflow step and will be published at the defined date/time.

  • Published:  The social media post was successfully published. This is the final workflow step of social media posts.

  • Error:  An error occurred during the publication process. This can be an authentication error, a network error, or any other technical error.

Extend the workflow with approval

The censhare Dedicated solutions come with a  Social post  workflow that can be extended with an approval step. For more information, see Custom workflows for dedicated solutions.

Important:  If you use a custom workflow, ensure that you configure the  Approval  step in the  Last step of the wizard  in the  Social networks module. For more information, see Configure the Social networks module.


You have an overview of the steps that are required to set up and configure the social media management for censhare Web.

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