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Release information

censhare 2023.1 releases

Release dates

2023.1.0 |  

With this major release, we bring some long-requested and important product updates to you.

In addition, we improved and enhanced several features and solved multiple issues. 

2023.1.1 |  

With this patch release, we roll out various bug fixes.

2023.1.2 |  

Highlights CORE

New kext-less Virtual File System for censhare Client on macOS

We anticipated the most recent developments – forthcoming deprecation of kernel extensions by Apple, security issues, etc. – and are rolling out a new virtual file system for macOS. VFS 3.0 does not require a kernel extension and operates entirely in the user space keeping your Mac safe. 

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For users:


For admins:

VFS architecture and configuration

Asset Deletion 3 | Update

We solved the issue with the Asset Deletion 3 report: it is now in sync with the actual process and shows correct information, helping admins to double-check which assets are going to be deleted. 

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Asset Deletion 3 - Configure deletion policies

Asset Deletion 1, 2 and 3 - Comparison

Source Code Modernization

Following our ambition to deliver the best software to our customers, we conducted multiple updates to modernize the core code base of our product. In addition to that, we updated third-party libraries used in censhare tools that are not part of the core product, including censhare CLI.

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Third-party libraries

macOS 14 Sonoma support

censhare officially supports macOS 14 Sonoma.

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censhare compatibility with operating systems

censhare clients requirements

Adobe plugin compatibility matrix

Compatibility matrices

Windows 11 support

We finished testing the compatibility of censhare Clients with Windows 11. All Java 17 based Clients run smoothly on Windows 11. However, Java 11 based ones cannot be used. Please consider taking new Clients from our Download Portal.

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Compatibility matrices

Configure features to appear expanded in any metadata dialog

You can configure nested features to appear expanded in any metadata dialog by adding the attribute expand-nested-children to the metadata dialog configuration, in the cs-metadata-row element, and setting it to true.

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Metadata directives - introduction

 Highlights DAM

Markers | Critical functional improvements

We boosted markers functionality by adding the following features. They help you to keep the asset preview clean while displaying all markers you need.

  • Marker Styles | Different styles help to distinguish between old and new content versions. Markers from previous content versions are shown with dotted lines. Markers from the current content version are shown with solid lines.
  • Change Marker state | Markers set to DONE are not displayed on the preview making it more comprehensive.
  • Extended Marker properties | For each marker, creator, timestamp, status, and version are shown
  • Marker filters | Markers can be filtered by state, user, version, etc. 

These improvements address the most urgent needs of our customers. 

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Working with markers

Markers | Further UX improvements

We also implemented other UX enhancements for markers. 

  • Adding a description to your marker | This improvement makes your change requests more precise and substantial.
  • Marker colors | Changing colors automatically can be configured on user preference.
  • Action buttons cleanup | A few actions were moved into the marker's action (three-dot) menu. Editing and marking as DONE still appear as separate buttons.

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Working with markers

Markers in version history

You can now display markers on the compare content widget in the History tab of the asset. That allows you to not only compare previews of two content versions but also to find out what was marked for changes in each version.  

You can also hide markers while comparing content. 

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Compare content with markers

Communication Widget improvements

Following the enhancements in markers functionality, we did not stop there and improved tasks and messages: another important communication and collaboration tool for censhare Web users.  

  • Delete Comments and Tasks: Users can now delete their own messages. This helps users to keep only up-to-date, and relevant information in the conversations. If a user deletes a parent message, child messages are retained.
  • Edit Comments and Tasks: Users can now edit their own messages, tasks, attachments, and more after they have sent them. This helps if any mistakes happen, for example typos. Edited elements are marked with an “edited” tag. This makes it more easy for others to follow the changes.
  • Task approval enhancement: Approving tasks is now smoother. Users can directly approve tasks in the Tasks widget. It is not necessary to navigate to the task asset page anymore.
  • Simplified Task creation: Users can now create tasks without the need to fill all fields such as "Assign to," "Description," or "Deadline." This flexibility allows users to fill out certain fields later, or simply skip them altogether.
  • Convert Comment to a Task: Actionable conversations often end up with new tasks. To support collaboration, users can now turn messages into tasks.

These improvements help you to track the implementation of requested changes easily and provide more context for your collaborators. 

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Messages and tasks

Highlights PIM

Properties Editor | Support for editing child properties

Users that have to manipulate lots of asset properties at once now can save time and work more efficiently. Properties Editor already could display child properties but now users are able to edit them. 

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For users

Bulk-edit with the Properties Editor

For admins

Properties Editor

Properties Editor | Further functional and UX improvements

We continue improving the overall functionality of our main bulk-editing tool, the Properties Editor (PE). We aim at making your work as efficient as possible, sparing you any single click we can.

  • Required features are highlighted with * | Now you can see which features cannot be left empty. 
  • Improvements for popover editing | The popover now has X and V buttons for easy accepting or rejecting changes. Alternatively, you can use Esc or Enter on your keyboard.
  • Nested features appear expanded in the metadata dialogue called from PE | Nested features are normally collapsed in the metadata dialogue. We made them automatically expanded in metadata dialogues opened form the PE. 
  • Last used configuration is selected in PE | When you open the PE from a search list, the last configuration you have used appears as selected. 
  • Reloading PE won't delete your search | If you need to reload PE, the search you opened it from, won't be lost.

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For users

Bulk-edit with the Properties Editor

For admins

Properties Editor

Highlights Print Production

Adobe plugin - Adobe 2024 support

The censhare Adobe plugin supports Adobe 2024 on macOS and Windows. However, you need to be aware about a known issue with the new plugin. 

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Compatibility matrices

Highlights HCMS

Full list of release notes



Deprecation notice | VFS 2.0 for macOS

macOS-compatible virtual file systems that use kernel extension are going to be deprecated soon. It is also possible to continue using a VFS with a kernel extension after upgrading to 2023.1, but you will need to request such a Client explicitly.

Refer to the following page to learn about the VFS compatibility.

Third-party deprecations | 3D model formats

The following formats for 3D models have been recently deprecated by their third-party providers:

  • .AWD

The data can be kept in the censhare system, but no preview can be generated for such models. 

Known issues

InCopy Editor known issues

We are constantly working on improving our InCopy Editor. However, for now, there are a few known issues we would like to inform you about. Please refer to this page for the full list.

Content Editor known issue

Footnotes get split up into multiple ones when a part of the footnote is formatted. We recommend to refrain from using any formatting with footnotes and apologize for the inconvenience. 

Markers metadata inconsistent when updating censhare | A workaround

On update to 2023.1, markers metadata may be shown incorrect. The user name is not affected, but the marker version and its creation date may not be correct. However, this gets easily adjusted if you edit the marker or if you set it to DONE. After that, the metadata becomes consistent with its original. We are working on resolving this issue.

Content Update flag not always updated

There is an issue with the content update flag in the palette of the censhare Client: It may not disappear automatically when the image has been updated.

In rare cases, the image might not be updated in the Adobe Indesign layout. The content update flag also does not disappear. A workaround for this is to call the Renderer via the respective server action in the censhare Client: This then updates the content.

If you have selected the Check content tags automatically option in Update content section in Preferences/Adobe InDesign interface, the "Error: Automatic content update failed" messages appears. To prevent this, deactivate the Check content tags automatically option.

We are working to fix this issue as soon as possible.

Adobe InDesign plugins 2023 & 2024 known issue

The plugin enters a disconnected state when the InDesign application is put in background. Read more.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.