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Asset transformations

The transformation module offers a flexible and powerful way to transform any kind of data into another form or structure.

As censhare has its own implementation of XSLT and XPath, you are able to access the data in censhare and transform it in any possible way.

A simple example may be to create a censhare standard article out of an IDML (Adobe InDesign Markup Language) storage item.

To get the most out of the possibilities profound knowledge of the censhare data structure is mandatory. This data structure may vary depending on project-specific requirements.

Find the censhare XSLT and XPATH specifics in the censhare Developer Guide.


Set up "Transformation" by creating a transformation asset that suits your needs and by configuring the module that sets the parameters when calling that asset.

Editing the transformation asset

Module options

Selecting a transformation asset

Evaluate your XSLT

When editing the transformation asset, you may check if your expressions quickly. censhare includes an XSLT Evaluator Test to easily test the output of your XSLT. Select XSLT Evaluation Test from the menu.

Trigger the transformation

When everything is set up you may trigger the transformation automatically or by hand (manual server action).

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