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Communicate on assets

How to communicate: types of communication assets

In censhare, you can communicate directly on assets to provide more context to the communication. By doing so, you generate so-called communication assets. There are four types of such assets in the censhare system:

  • Markers: help you to mark an area (or a section) on a visual media asset

  • Messages

  • Tasks

  • Topics (can only be used together with messages and markers)

Who sees this communication

Before you start communicating on the assets, please make sure that all users whom you need in this communication possess sufficient access rights to participate in the exchange, as explained here.

Availability and compatibility of communication features

As of censhare 2024.1:

  • the full range of communication features is available in censhare Web

  • basic communication features are also available in the Java Client

  • markers and messages in the Java Client have limited functionality

    • also, video and audio as context asset types are only supported in censhare Web

  • Compare content with markers only works in censhare Web

  • Notification about communication updates is currently implemented in censhare Web only

Therefore, if you prefer to use Java Client, please familiarize yourself with the range of asset communication features it supports and consider using censhare Web if you miss anything important.

Communication assets created in any client will be shown in the other as well since all information is equally saved in the censhare system, regardless of where you add or edit it.

We will continue working on synchronizing communication UI functionality between censhare Web and the Java Client.

In this chapter

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