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Configuration in Cloud Gateway


The Cloud Gateway is used to route the incoming requests from the web browser. The requests are directed to:

  • Keycloak server for authentication
  • Static Resource Server to serve the static parts of the user interface
  • censhare Server to serve requested data
  • Xeditor integration if you are using the Xeditor

For more information on the Cloud Gateway, see Installation packages.

Configuration for Xeditor in the Cloud Gateway

The Cloud Gateway uses a configuration file that defines the routes for the various requests. Normally, the name of the configuration file is application.yaml. The location of it depends on your system setup.

When the Cloud Gateway receives a requests, it looks into the routes to decide to which URL route this requests. If you start using the Xeditor, censhare IT also adds the following route for the Xeditor integration:

### ETS xeditor-proxy calls
- id: ets_xeditor_proxy
    - Path=/editors/xeditor/**
    - RewritePath=/editors/xeditor/(?<segment>.*), /$\{segment}
    - CustomTokenRelay

XEDITOR_PROXY_SERVICE is the name of the service that links to the Xeditor integration. This depends on your system setup.

You must not change this route! Otherwise, Xeditor integration stops working.

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