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Install Image Service tools for censhare Server or Service Client

How to install Image Service tools for censhare Service Client on Windows, macOS and Linux. 


  • Any hardware with a high-performance GPU

  • A censhare Service Client on Linux is recommended

Introduction and purpose

For a basic ability to create previews and extract metadata from image files the censhare Server needs to be able to execute a set of tools.

Use cases

  • In a production environment, you often want to have the load of rendering numerous pictures at once (like on bilk-imports) distributed across a few machines instead of only one where censhare Server runs. This can be done by the Service Client. The Service Client also requires Image Tools. They have to be installed on the same machine with each Service Client you use.

  • For development, you need to have those tools running locally.

Complete list of tools




metadata extraction

convert (part of ImageMagick)

reate previews from bitmapped image files like JPEG, PNG, WEBP, TIFF, PSD, BMP, …

composite (part of ImageMagick)



PNG optimization


raster PDF, PS, EPS and AI input


transcode moving images

LibreOffice Online (“lool”)

create previews from all sorts of Office documents, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, ODT and many more

Setting the correct path

The censhare Image Service – that uses these packages – expects all tools to be in a certain location, which is /opt/corpus/tools.

You should install the tools directly to this location.

Alternatively, after the installation, you can create symbolic links from /opt/corpus/tools to the binaries of the installed tools. Different ways of doing this are possible (see below), depending on the used OS.

Using CLA

The example is based on the homebrew installation. Please replace the source path with the one you installed the tools into.

This method is suitable for any OS.

sudo mkdir -p /opt/corpus/tools/imagemagick/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/convert /opt/corpus/tools/imagemagick/bin/convert
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/composite /opt/corpus/tools/imagemagick/bin/composite
sudo mkdir -p /opt/corpus/tools/exiftool
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/exiftool /opt/corpus/tools/exiftool/exiftool
sudo mkdir -p /opt/corpus/tools/ghostscript/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/gs /opt/corpus/tools/ghostscript/bin/gs
sudo mkdir -p /opt/corpus/tools/pngquant/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/bin/pngquant /opt/corpus/tools/pngquant/bin/pngquant

In the serviceclient-preferences-service-client.xml

You can set the paths directly in the serviceclient-preferences-service-client.xml of the Service Client.

This method is suitable for any OS.

In the Admin Client

Alternatively, you can modify the paths in the section Configuration/Services/Image.

Only works on macOS and Windows.

In the Service Client

You can modify the paths in the Default Tools section.

Only works on macOS and Windows.

Installation on Linux

We provide RPM packages for Linux installations. Currently, a package for LibreOffice Online for Alma Linux is missing. Therefore, you should not install all tools from one package (censhare-ImageTools.x86_64).

Instead, please follow these instructions:

  • download the tools from the location specified here, one-by-one following the list above

  • install using yum and this command:

yum install --enablerepo="censhare*" censhare-ImageMagick-libs-Alma9.x86_64 \
  censhare-ImageMagick-Alma9.x86_64 \
  censhare-Image-ExifTool.noarch \
  censhare-ghostscript.x86_64 \
  censhare-ghostscript-fonts.x86_64 \
  • set paths to /opt/corpus/tools or create symbolic links as described above.

Installation on macOS

On macOS, the preferred way to install the required tools is using Homebrew.

Install Homebrew (if not already installed)

Follow installation instruction from here: . Refer to the 3d-party documentation for useful homebrew commands.

Install required packages (formulas)

Run the following commands to install the necessary tools.

brew install imagemagick
brew install exiftool
brew install ffmpeg
brew install ghostscript
brew install pngquant

(Or execute brew upgrade <formula> if any of those packages is already installed.)

The binaries for these tools will be found in the /opt/homebrew/bin directory.

See .

Installation on Windows

You can download Image Tools and LibreOffice Online from the 3d-party websites and install them as as any other executable. Please remember to set the correct path during the installation or create symbolic links afterwards as described above.

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