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Find the appropriate tools for your tasks in censhare.

censhare provides different user client applications that you can use to find and manipulate data and execute tasks within censhare. There are specific clients for common tasks and for simulating third-party tools.

censhare Web

The web-based client is a rich Internet application using the latest web technologies to support modern web browsers. Widgets and pages with tabs structure your workflows into logical tasks.

The current user guide focuses on censhare Web. Whenever a task applies to the censhare Client, this is indicated.

censhare Client

Use the Java-based application for deep integration with the user operating system (via virtual filesystem driver/kernel extension) and third-party applications, such as Adobe InDesign/InCopy (via Plugins).
censhare Client is a desktop client. You need to install it on your computer.

censhare Render Client and Service Client

These Java applications handle some of the third-party tool integrations.  They remotely control external processes by simulating user behaviour. The censhare Render Client is used for the communication with an Adobe InDesign Server. The censhare Service Client is used to offload image processing from the censhare Server. 

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