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Use CI HUB integration

With the CI HUB integration, you can browse assets from the censhare Server with the CI HUB connector from various desktop applications. Asset files can be downloaded, placed, and edited directly in the relevant external application applications.

The CI HUB integration requires a CI HUB license. For more information,  reach out to your censhare contact person.

Target groups

Users with Consumer and Specialist roles. For example: Editors, external collaborators, creative workers, and media producers.


You must install the CI HUB plugin for Adobe Creative Cloud or Microsoft Office.


The integration works for the following desktop applications:

  • Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, InCopy, Premiere Pro, and After Effects). You can access media assets from a censhare DAM system directly in Adobe through the CI HUB plugin.
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Sharepoint)
  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • WordPress
  • Google Workspace

CI HUB and Adobe

Media production with censhare and Adobe applications becomes fully integrated with the censhare CI HUB integration. The CI HUB plugin allows you to browse media assets, see their properties, status, and available files. If you edit a media asset in Adobe, the asset is updated automatically on the censhare Server, so that others see your changes.You can use media assets in your media production. For example, place images in an InDesign layout or in an Illustrator file. The CI HUB plugin shows available files of an asset. For example, the original file (master), preview files, different aspect ratios, color schemas, etc.

Metadata mapping between CI HUB and censhare

When you upload a media file in censhare, metadata from the files are extracted and stored as asset properties. For technical details and a reference of metadata types, see Metadata mapping for media file import/export in the Administrator guide.

The CI HUB integration works exactly in the same way. When you upload a new file or edit the metadata of an existing asset via the CI HUB panel in your Adobe CC applications, the respective asset properties are added or updated in censhare.

If a user opens the asset in censhare Web or the censhare Client, the metadata can be accessed as asset properties.

Currently, the metadata mapping only works uni-directional from file metadata to asset properties. If you edit the asset properties that were created from the file metadata in censhare Web or the censhare Client, they are not synchronized with the file metadata. The bi-directional mapping/synchronization will be added in a future version.

Key steps

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