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User roles for dedicated solutions

The censhare standard workspace for dedicated solutions introduces a governance model that is optimized for different user roles. The dedicated work areas, workflows and asset pages are aligned with the user roles.

Target group

Solution developers


Workspaces and domains




Users log in to censhare with their default role. The role gives access to the dedicated work area in the default domain, and grants permissions that are necessary to carry out their tasks.

For a proper function of the censhare standard workspace, additional roles must be configured in common and shared domains, and optional roles can be configured for the other work areas. For more information, see Role and permission schemas for dedicated solutions.



Specialists work in the creative process. They are designers, creative directors, copywriters, etc. Specialists work in their domain and need a good overview of their tasks and deadlines. Specialists create and edit assets, upload content. For that, they use internal editing and workflow tools, and external software.

Default domain

Product (Product specialist),
Media (Media specialist)


Content editor, graphic designer, copywriter



Enablers manage projects in the system, allocate budgets and resources, and aggregate data from the system to report to the management.

Default domain

Media (Media enabler)


Campaign manager, project manager, content manager, channel manager



Managers lead teams and departments. They work as marketing manager, product manager, or campaign manager. Managers create marketing plans and tactics, define goals and metrics, and measure success iteratively. They need an overview of all ongoing campaigns, open tasks, deadlines, resources and budgets. They can notify, comment, and share information with team members through tasks and other tools in censhare.

Default domain

Media (Media manager),
Product (Product manager),
Content (Campaign manager)


Marketing manager, campaign manager



Consumers create evaluations, reports, presentations of projects and campaigns based on the data they collect in censhare. They provide information to the management and customers. Consumers access censhare to search, preview, filter and download content. This role has preview and download permissions for all kinds of data, in all production domains and shared domains. Create permissions are granted. Edit permissions are not included.

Default domain



Marketing director, department manager, product manager

External service provider


External service providers are photographers, translators, and freelance creative workers. They receive their tasks with briefings and deadlines, upload content to the system. Within their domain, they create and edit assets. This role also requires access to the planning resources in their work group, view open tasks, deadlines, etc.

Default domain

Media (photographer),
Content (translator)


Translator, photographer

Solution administrator


Configuration, maintenance, and administration of the censhare dedicated solutions. Solution administrators can work in the Solution administration domain and have access to all other domains. Solution administrators can create and configure Module assets for applications, widgets and workspace pages. They can edit Master data through the censhare Admin Client. Only Solution administrators can physically delete assets and asset versions.

Default domain

Solution administration

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