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Administrator tasks and tools

Quick start into essential tools for administration.

censhare Admin Client

Your key tool for the configuration and customization of the censhare system. It also comes with a rich set of monitoring tools.

Server actions

In censhare, configuration settings are enabled by server actions. They can be manually triggered or automated. Server actions execute a server command that contains one or more command steps. The general part of the settings is common to all configuration tables.

For more information, see censhare Admin Client - Introduction.

censhare Web

Many system-wide settings and monitoring functionality can be enabled in censhare Web. 

System asset

These settings are defined in the system asset of censhare Web.

Settings for time zones, authentication, file uploads, or download URLs, for example.

The system asset also provides user and asset statistics, monitoring information, and log file access to the censhare server. It is a unique asset and part of the censhare standard distribution.

Server actions

censhare Web server actions are based on server actions that are configured in the censhare Admin Client. You can configure them in censhare Web and make them available in menus or asset pages.

For more information, see Configure the system asset.

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