Add and enable UI languages
For censhare Client and censhare Web
The user interface of censhare Client and censhare Web is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese. By default, only English and German are enabled. Learn how to enable and add further UI languages for censhare Client and censhare Web.
Target groups
The localization of the user interface of censhare Client and censhare Web use different resources. Available languages are controlled in the Master data in the censhare Admin-Client.
To enable a preconfigured user interface language, there are no prerequisites.
To add a new user interface language to the censhare Client, you must translate the UI resources first and upload them to the censhare Server.
The user interface of censhare Client and censhare Web is available in several languages. The standard distribution of censhare is delivered with the languages English, German, French, Spanish (only for censhare Client), Italian and Japanese. English and German are enabled by default. The other languages are available without any restrictions and can be enabled as described in this article.
Key steps
Enable a user interface language
Add custom UI keys and dialogs for the censhare Client
Enable a user interface language
If the language does not exist yet in the censhare Admin-Client Master data/Languages table, add it there.
Select the Server actions menu and select Add/delete locale.
In the Locale name field, enter the ID of the desired language.
Select a locale for default values. This locale is used if censhare does not find a localized key in the Master data. We recommend that you always select en here.
To run the server action, click OK. censhare creates the database tables for the new language.
In the censhare Admin-Client, open the Configuration/Server/General configuration. If a custom configuration already exists, open this.
In the Locales section at the bottom of the dialog, click
and add the language code of the language you want to enable.
To save the configuration, click OK.
Update the server configuration. If necessary, synchronize the remote servers.
When you open a Master data table and create a new entry, respective fields for the new language are displayed. For example, for the Name and Description fields of a feature in the Features table.
Add custom UI keys and dialogs for the censhare Client
Note: The localization described below is only available for the censhare Client. The Properties files that you create in this configuration, contain the localized values for the respective keys. The translations are your own responsibility. censhare does not provide any support for languages added by a customer. If you need to localize the user interface of censhare Web, please contact our customer support.
To prepare the censhare Server for an additional UI localization, proceed as follows:
Add the custom directories and translated properties files to your system. In the following list, replace [ISO-code] with the respective value:
~/censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/modules/client/common/ client_[ISO-code].properties
~/censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/modules/client/common/ module_[ISO-code].properties
~/censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/modules/client/webclient/ client_[ISO-code].properties
~/censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/modules/client/webclient/ module_[ISO-code].properties
~/censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/modules/client/javaclient/ module_[ISO-code].properties
~/censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/modules/client/javaadmin/ module_[ISO-code].properties
~/censhare-Custom/censhare-Server/app/modules/client/serviceclient/ module_[ISO-code].properties
Add the language to the Master data/Languages table, to the Configuration/Server/General configuration, and run the Add/delete locale server action as described in the Enable a user interface language section above.
Stop the server, delete the ~/censhare-Server/work/runtime* directories and restart the server.
System languages that you added can be selected in the censhare Client in the File ► Locale menu, and in censhare Web in the user preferences in the User interface language field. Content languages that you added are available in any localized asset property and in censhare Web in the user preferences in the Preview language field.