Calculate translation efforts and costs for your translations with translation reports.
The translation reports and statistics are available in theTranslation with memoryapplication in censhare Web.
You need a licensed Translation with memory application in censhare.
Translation reports can be created for text assets with MIME type XML and ICML. The text assets must be prepared for translation: There must be a target language asset assigned as a variant. For further information, seePrepare XML text assets for translation.
Translation reports help you to calculate efforts and costs of your translations. The reports count the number of confirmed, pretranslated and to be translated words or characters for selected assets per language combination. You can download translation reports to share them externally.The statistics for a translation report are calculated by looking at the source texts, and by the number of translation memory matches and repetitions found in the source texts. A report provides the numbers of confirmed, pretranslated and to be translated words or characters of the selected assets. Further details on the different match ranges are provided. Match ranges specify the degree of similarity between words/characters in the text and those stored in the translation memory.
For a translation report, you can select multiple text assets at a time and of various language combinations. You can download the report to share it externally.
At least one text assets must match the prerequisites. Otherwise, no report is created.
The translation statistics are user-specific. They are based on theTranslationssettings in thePreferencesof a user. Statistics for the same translation task can, therefore, differ when created by different users.
Create and use a report
On the Search page, search and filter for the relevant Text assets. From the search results, select the assets for the report. You can also use a stored search for this.
From thePage actionsmenu, selectTranslations > Translation report. The translation report is created and displayed. Translation statistics are provided by language combination. By default, the reports are based on words.
To display which assets were selected for the report, clickAsset IDsfor each language pair.
To display details on the match ranges, clickShow more about matches %.
To provide the statistics based on character counts, at the bottom of the dialog, selectCharactersfromShow statistics by.
To export a copy of the translation report, clickDOWNLOAD CSV. You can open the report on your computer, for example in Microsoft Excel. The file contains the word and character counts for the selected assets with details on the match ranges, separated by language combination. You can share the file with your translation provider.
Report data
The following data is provided in a translation report.
Selected assets: Shows the number of selected assets for the respective language combination.
Asset IDs: Shows the IDs of the selected assets per language combination.
Confirmed: The number of words/characters of the selected text assets that have been saved in the selected target text assets. If enabled in yourUser preferences, the number includes auto-confirmed words/characters as well.
Note: Auto-confirmed does not mean that the confirmation is correct, fits the context or has the appropriate quality. Therefore, verification can be necessary for auto-confirmed items.
The match ranges for auto-confirmation depend on the settings inUser > Preferences > Translation > Minimum match rate for auto-confirmation.
Pretranslated: The number of words/characters that are automatically pretranslated in the selected text assets The result depends on the minimum match rate for pretranslation set inUser > Preferences > Translation > Minimum rate for automatic pretranslation.
To be translated: The number of words/characters that are neither confirmed nor pretranslated in the selected text assets.
For an individual Text asset, some of the details can also be found on theTranslationtab of theTextasset page, on theStatisticswidget.
Match ranges
Match ranges are specified in theTranslationssettings of yourPreferences.
When you clickShow more about match %, the following details on match ranges display:
100% matches: The number of words/characters in the selected source text assets that have anexact matchin the translation memory, that is, by 100%. The results depend on theTranslationssetting in yourUserPreferences. The state of an item can be confirmed, pretranslated or simply suggested.
100% match only means that this item has been translated before; it does not mean that it is correct, fits the context or has the appropriate quality.
Fuzzy matches: The number of words/characters in the selected source text assets with less than a 100 % match in the translation memory and more than a minimum match value. This value is set underUser > Preferences > Translation > Minimum match rate.
No matches: The number of words/characters in the selected source text assets which do not exist in the translation memory or have a match lower than the currently set minimum match value. This value is set underUser > Preferences > Translation > Minimum match rate.
Repetitions: The sum of words/characters that occur repeatedly in segments of the selected source text assets. For example, 2 words are repeated in 3 segments. The repetition value is 6. Repetitions counts do not consider 100% matches.
You know how to create, use and download translation reports for your translations. You know about the information that is provided in translation reports.
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