Install Image Service tools for censhare Service Client
How to install Image Service tools for censhare Service Client on Windows, macOS and Linux.
A censhare Service Client on Linux is recommended.
Install on Windows
Prerequisites for the installation on Windows are:
ImageMagick >= 6.8 x64 Q16 dll
latest ExifTool version
Ghostscript 9.07 including fonts
wkhtmltox 0.10.0_rc2
administrative rights
Install the software to C:\opt\corpus\tool
Install on macOS
File a ticket to IT Services and ask for the installation package.
Double-click the appropriate package and follow the installation wizard.
The software is installed to /opt/corpus/tool
Install on Linux
File a ticket to IT Services and ask for the installation package.
Copy the provided software to /opt/corpus/tools and execute README.txt