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Master data

The master data define the data framework of the censhare platform. Master data populate the database before the system startup. The censhare platform comes with a standard set of master data that makes the system operational. For a production system, the master data must be configured accordingly.

Master data comprise the following areas:

  • Governance: Domains, roles, permissions, permission sets, users, user groups, user settings.
  • Asset data: Asset types, asset relations, asset applications, features (asset properties), feature category group assignments, feature groups, feature types, feature value relations.
  • Asset lifecycle: Asset versions, workflows, workflow states, events.
  • Production data: External applications, colors, formats, file types, MIME types, image crops, image resolutions, languages, translation abbreviations, regions (print), units, unit sets.
  • Organization: Regions, holidays.
  • System: Application servers, file system, file system replications, external applications, client versions, schedule types.

There are two ways to edit, add, or disable master data:

In the censhare Admin Client, you can access all master data configurations directly. This is appropriate only for development, staging, or test systems.

Via an XML import, you can change or add any master data configuration. This is appropriate to transfer or update master data on production systems.

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