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censhare offers predefined solutions that help you as a solution developer to set up projects with a defined set of functionality and ease your efforts for customization. They can be used as-is or taken as a basis for further customizations.

Dedicated Solutions

censhare Dedicated solutions is the new standard workspace as of censhare 2019.3. The standard offers preconfigured solutions for asset management, content management, product information management, publication management, and campaign management.

censhare Dedicated Solutions

DAM Starter Kit

The censhare DAM Starter Kit is a simple Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution intended to serve as a foundation for projects, as a training platform, or as a sales tool. The censhare DAM Starter Kit comes with a ready-to-use configuration, pre-configured master data and governance model. It can be easily extended with additional asset types, relations, and functions.

censhare DAM Starter Kit

Online Solutions

Headless CMS

The Headless CMS is the bridge between censhare and developers who want to build innovative solutions and stunning multi-channel customer experiences on top of censhare’s graph database – with the technology stack of their choice.

Headless CMS


The Online Portal is a solution for publishing editorial contents, products and documents online.


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