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Create PDF

Learn how to generate PDF from the Editor for InDesign documents.

To generate a preview PDF of the layout in the Editor for InDesign Documents, click on the "Generate PDF" button on the left in the toolbar. censhare now creates the PDF and opens it in a pop-up window of the browser. You can’t edit the layout while the PDF is being created. An animation in the layout window indicates this.



Button: "Generate PDF"

The PDF viewer depends on the browser type and its configuration. Typically you can leaf through PDFs, save them and print them.

You need to configure your web browser to allow popups for the censhare server URL (web address). Otherwise, the browser won't show the PDFs.

censhare sends the layout to an Adobe InDesign Server in order to generate the PDF.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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