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Store and retire assets

Delete assets and asset versions.


censhare systems can have large databases that store a large number of assets, asset versions, and asset files. This can consume a lot of table space in the database and disk space for asset files. Asset Deletion has the task to free table space respective disk space. This is done by deleting unnecessary asset versions and their respective asset files.

Asset Deletion 3 is the third version of deleting asset versions and asset files in censhare.

  • Asset Deletion 3 is the successor of Asset Deletion 1 and 2 and combines the advantages of Asset Deletion 1 and 2.

  • Asset Deletion 3 should be used as default deletion process.

  • Asset Deletion 2 is only available until version 2019.1.

  • Asset Deletion 1 can still be used but is deactivated by default.
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