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User management

Create your organization's users and manage their accounts and passwords.

In censhare, a user is uniquely identified with a username, password, and role. Together with other settings, the profile determines which tasks a user can perform, what data the user can see, and what the user can do with the data.

As a censhare administrator, you manage users in your organizations. Besides creating and assigning users, user management also includes working with permissions and licenses, delegating users, and more.

The censhare user and user rights management is based on four entities:

  • Users or parties: all action in censhare is done by a logged-in user; besides the normal users, so called system users do grind work mostly in the background (e.g. the Renderer is a logged-in user that checks out and works with assets)

  • Groups consist of users who share similar duties. In workflows, groups can be used as a workflow target instead of a named user. A user can be member of any number of groups (but don't need to be member of a single group).

  • Roles define the freedom of action a user enjoys in the system. All permissions are granted through roles. A user needs at least one role (the 'standard role') but can have any number of roles.

  • Domains denote areas of operation for a user. The assets a user can see or act on are restricted by the domains a user has access to. Because domains and roles are always paired, a user needs at least one domain (the 'standard domain'). In addition a user can have any number of role/domain-pairs.

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