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Export and import Master data

The censhare Admin Client comes with a built-in editor for creating, editing, and deleting master data. In some cases, though, when a very large number of master data has to be edited or if master data is provided from an external source, it is desirable to have alternative ways to manage master data. For this purpose, the censhare Admin-Client provides an XML specification, in which master data can be written (or scripted!) externally and imported into censhare. A parser will extract the data, verify the compatibility of the data with the database constraints, and actually insert the data in the database.

The export can be executed on a per master data group basis, where all or any selection of master data entries of the group can be included. Since all master data groups have different attributes, there is no common XML scheme for the export files. The strategy for setting up large imports is, to first create a respective sample master data entry within the censhare Admin-Client, export this entry as an XML file and use this file as a template for the generation of a customized import file.

The export feature for master data is also commonly used as an easy and quick backup tool. As all modifications to master data take immediate effect in the productive environment, it is recommended to export the entire master data group if sensitive or extensive modifications are performed on it.

XML files for master data import can be written in a text editor or generated programmatically, for example from CSV files. censhare is not offering any tools or XSL stylesheets to create master data import files. However, as many such conversion tasks have been performed in the past, it is generally advised to contact censhare project management for possible existing tools before efforts are started to create them on their own behalf.

The master data import feature allows the generation of new master data entries, the replacement of master data entries or both. It is not possible to delete (and therefore completely sync) master data entries from the import files.

The creation of the import file requires careful study of the data model of the respective master data group, as well as the identification criteria for each entry. While it might take several attempts to figure out the details of the data model to satisfy the database constraints, there is no big danger in damaging the database by importing data. Any violation of constraints will result in a full rollback of the import and an extensive error report, including the executed SQL statements.

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