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Create social media channels

With social media channels, manage your social media activity entirely in censhare Web. Each channel is represented in a social media channel asset in censhare Web. 


The Social media functionality is installed and configured.


You can integrate your social media management with censhare Web through social media channels. Once a channel is set up, you can publish content to the corresponding social network via the Social network publishing wizard.

censhare supports the social networks Twitter, Facebook (only pages), and YouTube. 

A Channel asset represents a Facebook page (Facebook), a Twitter profile, or a YouTube channel. You can configure multiple channel assets for the same social network.

Create social media channel

To create a new social media channel, do the following:

  1. In the Top navigation, click Create asset.

  2. Select one of the following asset types:

    • Channel / Facebook channel

    • Channel / Twitter channel

    • Channel / YouTube channel

  3. In the Create asset dialog, in the General tab, enter a channel name.

  4. Optionally, enter a description.

  5. Enter or generate a resource key. For more information, see Resource key.

  6. Select the desired domains.

    Note: Make sure that users, who manage and publish to the channel, can access the selected domain.

  7. Click OK to save and create the asset.

Connect to social media channel

Before you can publish content to a social network, configure the channel as follows:

  1. In the Social Profile widget, click SIGN-IN WITH TWITTER/FACEBOOK/YOUTUBE to authenticate and connect to the channel. The Social media service redirects you to the login page of the respective social network.

    Note: You need the respective permissions to perform a login in a Social media channel. If you do not have permission, contact an administrator.

  2. Enter your credentials and confirm. If you have authenticated yourself to the social network before, and the session is still valid, you are now authenticated automatically.

    Note: The session validity period depends on the social network and cannot be changed.


You have configured your social media channels in censhare Web. User can now work and publish social media posts via censhare Web.

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