The Asset Query window is the most essential and important element of the censhare Client. Its main purpose is to find and browse assets from the database, get as much information as possible about assets and allow to edit asset files.


An Asset Query window is divided into different areas, called  Components. Components are divided into  Docks. Docks appear as tab panels, a component can hold multiple docks. Docks provide additional information about the assets listed in the Asset Query component.

A set of useful components and docks is available to you by default. The number and arrangement of the components and docks depend on your system configuration. 

The following components are available:

  • Asset Query component (1) - lists the results of a search query in one of multiple ways (views).
  • Toolbar (2) - access asset actions
  • Additional  components (3) - for example, filters
  • Actions component with slider bar (4) - quick access to actions
  • Status bar (5) - information about the connected user, the database, messages and more


  •  Create new assets 

  •  Open/Edit the selected assets

  •  Save and close the selected assets

  •  Open the selected assets in read-only mode

  •  Close and dismiss (= Abort Edit) the selected assets

  •  Edit the metadata of the selected assets 

  •  Rate the selected asset(s)

  •  Execute a Server Action 

  •  Perform a quick search 

  •  Switch the view 

  •  Browse to the previous page of query results

  •  Browse to the next page of query results

  •  Perform a standard search 

  •  Re-execute the last query

Work with components

  • Open a new Asset Query:  Click the button beneath the rightmost tab. You can open as many Asset Query components as you like.
  • Move assets to different query windows to create a relation: Drag an asset from one Asset Query component to another across tabs and drop it at the desired location. Uncollapsed folders collapse when you hover over them with the mouse and you can place the asset at the desired location. You are prompted to select the approrpiate relation type.
  • Resize component: Drag the slider bar (4) to the desired size. 

Work with docks

  • Hide dock: Click the closing box next to the Dock’s name in the tab.
  • Show dock: From the menu bar, select Show Dock. This displays a hidden dock. 

Standard docks