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Review ICML texts

Collaborate on your copy and track your changes in the censhare Editor for InCopy documents. 

What's new?

censhare 2021.1: Accept/reject the selected range of changes


In the Editor for InCopy Documents, you can track the changes to the original version of an ICML document. This is useful when you share documents with other users. It allows you to see exactly what changes were made, and by whom. You can review all changes to a document and accept or reject them.

Track changes toolbar:

(1) Show/hide track changes toolbar.

(2) Track changes toolbar.

(3) Close track changes toolbar.

(4a) Accept change.

(4b) Accept selected range of changes.

(4c) Accept all changes.

(5a) Reject change.

(5b) Reject selected range of changes.

(5c) Reject all changes.

(6) Go to next change.

(7) Go to previous change.

(8) Highlight changes.

(9) Enable track changes.

Enable track changes

To enable Track changes:

  1. Click Track changes

     in the editor toolbar. The Track changes toolbar displays.

  2. Turn Enable Track changes on.

Track changes is enabled for all text sections (stories) of the asset.

When track changes and invisible characters and are enabled at the same time, you cannot edit the text anymore. A notification informs you about this. Disable one of the two modes to continue to edit the text.

Track changes

Changes are tracked while you edit the text. You can edit your changes at all times.

  • Delete text: Text is highlighted with a color and striked-through.

  • Insert text: Texts is highlighted in the same color as the deleted text.

Adobe InCopy shows all changes that you have made in the Editor for InCopy documents. Conversely, in the editor, you can see all changes after editing in Adobe InCopy.

Show/hide changes

If you have a lot of tracked changes, they can become distracting if you are trying to read through the text.

Click Hide track changes

 any time. The text then displays in its final state, as if you had accepted all changes. Click again, to display the changes.

Changes by other users

Changes by other users are tracked as well. You can edit and review changes by other users. Changes by other users display in different colors in the editor. The colors are fixed for each user. They are set in the Person asset. The colors cannot be changed at a later point. Contact your administrator in case of any issues. For more information, see Edit your personal profile in censhare Web.

When you edit changes by other users, the editor highlights your edits in your personal color. The previous changes from other users remain in their personal colors. That way you can immediately see which edits are yours and which ones are from other users.

Review changes

You can review your own or other users' changes at any time and accept or reject changes:

  1. Either click  Go to next change  

      or  Go to previous change
      to move between the text changes. The relevant text change is automatically selected and highlighted in a different color.

  2. Either Accept

    or Reject
     the change.

  3. Click Go to next change  and  Go to previous change to continue in the same way for every change you want to review.

Accept/reject the selected range of changes

  1. Click and drag the cursor to select the text area with the desired changes.
  2. Click
     to accept all changes in the selected text area, or click
    to reject  all changes in the selected text area.

Accept/reject all changes

to accept all changes, or
 to reject all changes.

Disable Track changes

To disable Track changes:

  1. Turn Enable Track changes off.

  2. Click X in the Track changes toolbar to close this toolbar.

The existing changes are kept. Subsequent changes are no longer tracked. Turn Track changes on again if you want the editor to continue to track your changes.

Work with notes

In the Editor for InCopy Documents, notes make it easy to collaborate with other users on the same document. You can do the following:

  • Expand/collapse all notes to see/hide the content.

  • View author, creation and change date of the note.

  • Create notes.

  • Edit or delete your own or other users’ notes.

  • Apply a character style to a note.

Click Notes (1) to expand the Notes toolbar (5): Create note (4), Delete note (3), Expand/collapse notes (2).

View notes

  • Set Expand notes  to ON  to show the content of all notes.

  • Set Expand notes  to OFF to hide the content of all notes.

To see the author, the creation, and the change date of a note:

  • Place the cursor above a note. It is not necessary that the note is expanded: A popup shows the information.

Create a note

  1. Place the cursor in the text where you want to create the note.

  2. In the Notes  toolbar, click Plus


  3. A dialog windows opens: Enter your text and click OK.

The note is saved with the date/time of creation and the author name. It also receives a number that represents the order of the notes. The author name and note color are taken from your user profile. 

 is disabled if you cannot create a note, for example, if you have marked some text.

You can also create notes within track changes text. Just place the cursor there. 

Edit notes

Selected Character style (1), Character style selection (2). Notes toolbar (6): Edit note (5), Delete note (4), Expand/collapse notes (3).

  1. Click  Expand notes  to show the content of all notes. Otherwise, you cannot edit a note.

  2. Place the cursor or mark some text inside the note: The icon in the Notes toolbar changes from  Plus

     to  Edit

  3. Click  Edit


  4. A dialog opens with author, date/time information and the note text.

  5. Edit the text in the  Content  field.

  6. Click OK.

Track changes do not apply within notes.

Apply inline style to notes created with Editor for Adobe InCopy documents:

  1. Place the cursor inside the note.

  2. In the  editor  toolbar, click  Character style selection  and select the desired character style. 

You can only apply one Character style per note. If you mark text in a note and then select a Character style, the note is split up.

Apply inline style to notes created with Adobe InCopy:

  1. Place the cursor inside the note or mark text inside the note.

  2. To apply the character style to the whole note: Place the cursor somewhere in the note.

  3. To apply the character style to some text in the note only: Mark this text.

  4. In the  editor  toolbar, click  Character style selection  and select the desired character style.

Insert invisible and special characters to a note:

  1. If you are in the Edit dialog for this note, click OK to close the dialog and save your changes.

  2. Place the cursor in the note where you want to enter the invisible/special character.

  3. Click Insert special characters in the editor toolbar. Select either an invisible character or a special character.

  4. If you want to continue to edit the note, open the Edit dialog again.

For more information, see Insert invisible and special characters.

Delete a note

  1. Place the cursor inside the note or mark a piece of text within the note.

  2. Click  Trash


Set author attributes for InCopy texts

You can select a name and a color that are used when you create notes or use track changes:

  1. Click the User menu on the top right and select Show my profile.

  2. The asset with your profile information opens.

  3. Go to the Profile  tab and to the Person resource properties  widget.

  4. Click Edit properties and go the Adobe InCopy  section.

  5. Select a Color and enter the desired name in User name.

  6. Click OK and then SAVE or SAVE & CLOSE to save your changes.

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