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Google Cloud AI

censhare uses Google Cloud Natural Language, Google Cloud Vision AI, and Google Cloud Video Intelligence API for content and media analyses. Google Cloud AI services can be used with censhare Web and censhare WP.


  • Google Developer Account


Google Cloud offers extensive capabilities to analyze media files. censhare uses the following Google Cloud AI services:

  • Google Cloud Natural Language for text analysis

  • Google Cloud Vision AI for image analysis

  • Google Cloud Video Intelligence API for video analysis

In censhare, the Google Cloud AI integration consists of two components:

  • censhare Google Cloud AI service: The service uploads media to Google Storage, requests analysis and removes it after the results of analysis are delivered.

  • Google module: The module provides the server actions to start the analysis of a media or content asset. Manual and automatic server actions are available. The configuration for each server action is done separately.

The setup of censhare Google Cloud AI service requires the following:

  • Installation of the service

  • Configuration of the service to access Google Cloud AI

The configuration of manual and automatic server actions requires the following:

  • Configure access to the censhare Google Cloud AI service.

  • Configure which storage item to use for the analysis.

  • Configure the application parameters.

  • Configure the status update for videos.

For more information, see Configure Google Cloud AI services.

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