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censhare provides integrations for Adobe Creative Cloud, Social Media management, Google Cloud AI, and Acrolinx. 

Adobe Creative Cloud with CI HUB

The CI HUB integration allows users to access, browse, create and edit assets and asset data within their usual Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office applications.

CI HUB integration

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Incopy integration with censhare

Full Adobe® InDesign® and InCopy® integration, providing tools to create, edit and manage layout files for professional publishing.

Adobe integration

Media and desktop application integration with CI HUB

Full Adobe® InDesign® and InCopy® integration, providing tools to create, edit and manage layout files for professional publishing.

CI HUB integration

Acrolinx for Content Editor

The Acrolinx content guidelines software integrates with the Content Editor of censhare Web. The Acrolinx integration for censhare makes the rules that you define in Acrolinx available in the content editor of censhare Web. Authors can see in real-time if their content conforms with the content guidelines.

Configure Acrolinx integration

Social Media Management

The Social Media service and Social Media Publishing wizard integrate your social media management seamlessly in censhare Web. Configuration steps, domain and permission setup, and custom workflows for the social media management functionality.

Configure Social media management

Google Cloud AI

censhare uses Google Cloud Natural Language, Google Cloud Vision AI, and Google Cloud Video Intelligence API for content and media analyses. Google Cloud AI services can be used with censhare Web and censhare WP.

Configure Google Cloud AI 

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