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Switch to Developer mode - censhare Web

Developer mode with enhanced administration options for censhare Web.

For administrators of censhare Web, a specific mode is provided. In the developer mode, a number of additional functions are available to you. For example, you can add widgets and widget configurations to tabs. And you can monitor the system and create performance tests.

The developer mode increases the server load. Use the developer mode only on development systems!

Switch into developer mode

  1. Log into censhare Web.

  2. Click the User menu icon on the Top navigation.

  3. From the User menu, select About censhare Web.

  4. In the dialog, press and hold the ALT or OPTION key and click CLOSE.

An additional menu is displayed on the Top navigation. The menu icon 

 shows that the developer mode is enabled.

  • Click the icon, to access additional functions from the menu, for example, show and reset statistics.

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