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Delete assets

You can delete assets permanently or temporarily store them in the trash. You can also delete or replace the asset main content.


The  Trash is available in censhare Web, from the Side navigation.


You need the appropriate permissions to delete assets or move assets to the trash.


To delete assets that are no longer needed, you have the following options:

  • Move assets to the trash
    Assets are stored in the trash temporarily. You can access the assets in the trash for a defined time period and restore them. At defined intervals, the trash is emptied and assets in the trash are permanently deleted.

However, automatic deletion needs to be activated and configured. This must be done by your system admin as described in this chapter.

  • Delete assets 

censhare immediately deletes the assets from the system. The deleted assets cannot be restored.

Only delete assets, if you are sure that they are no longer needed. In case of doubt, move assets to the trash for the time being. But remember that in case of activated automation deletion (called Asset Deletion 3), the assets in the trash will be deleted automatically. See Asset Deletion 3 for more information.

The Trash, with Top navigation (5) and Side navigation (4) represents a special asset list with a filter list (1). The assets (3) are shown in list format here (2).

Move assets to the trash

To move assets to the trash:

  1. In an asset list, select one or more assets, and click the three dots  to open the Actions menu. Or, from an open asset page, click the three dots to open the Page actions menu.

  2. From the menu, select 

     Delete asset  > Move to trash.

  3. If the selected assets are placed in any other assets, a notification displays. For example, when an image asset is placed in a layout. For all selected asset with a  Placement  relation, the name, and ID of the related assets display. To confirm that you want to delete the selected asset, click OK.

The selected assets are moved to the trash.

View the trash

The Trash is a special asset list and displays all assets that you have moved there in alphabetical order. Only your assets display. The assets in your trash are only visible to you and your censhare administrator, not to other users.

To open the trash:

  • In the Side navigation, click Trash

Temporary storage

Assets are stored in the trash for a defined time period. The trash is emptied at regular intervals and the assets are then permanently deleted. The interval is defined by your censhare administrator.

Access common asset actions

In the  Trash page, common asset list actions and options are available. For example:

  • Preview assets

  • Filter and sort the asset list

  • Open assets

Note: You can open assets in the trash. But you cannot edit assets that are in the trash. To edit trashed assets, you first need to recover them!

You can also delete assets in the trash permanently: Select the assets, click the  Page actions  menu the three dots  and select  Delete asset > Delete.

Recover assets from the trash

To recover assets from the trash:

  • Open the trash and select one or more assets. Click the  Actions  menu the three dots  and select  Recover from trash.

  • Or, from an open asset page of a trashed asset, click the Page actions menu the three dots and select Recover from trash.

The asset and all of its details and contents are recovered.

Delete assets

To permanently delete assets:

  1. In an asset list, select one or more assets, and click the three dots to open the  Actions  menu. Or, on an open asset page, click the three dots to open the  Page actions  menu.

  2. From the menu, select

      Delete asset > Delete.

  3. If the selected assets are placed in any other assets, a notification displays. For example, when an image asset is placed in a layout. For all selected asset with a  Placement  relation, the name and ID of the related assets display. Confirm with OK that you want to delete the selected assets.

The assets are permanently deleted. You cannot undo this action!

Delete or replace asset main content

To delete the main file of an asset:

  1. Open the asset in an asset page.

  2. Go to the  Files widget. In a standard workspace, you find this widget in the  Overview tab on the asset page.

  3. In the  Files widget, select the  Master file.

  4. To delete the master file: From the file actions, click  Delete file


  5. To replace the master file: From the file actions, click  Replace file

    . Select the desired file from the File selection dialog. Confirm the selection. censhare attaches the selected file to the asset.

In addition to the main file, assets also contain automatically-generated files. Images, for example, can have files with different resolutions. If you delete the main file, all automatically generated files are deleted. If you replace the main file, censhare deletes the automatically generated files and generates new automatic files for the new main file. If you delete an automatically generated file, censhare restores this file.


You know how to delete assets and asset content and work with the trash.

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