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User Guide

The censhare Omnichannel Content Management platform centralizes and automates your content so you can market on any channel and in any language. Spend less time on content admin and more on what really matters: creating engaging content and unique customer experiences.

We are happy to have you on board!

In this guide

Find help on the censhare marketing solution, its components, and applications.

  • Take first steps into censhare and master your core tasks successfully from the start.
  • Find comprehensive guides on how to manage your assets, content, and products.
  • Explore topics of interest and start on your own path through censhare.

Before you start

If you have just onboarded with censhare... 

Learn the fundamentals to be productive in your everyday business from day 1 with censhare.

Follow a guided learning path at your own pace.

Register now at censhare Academy!

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