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Access assets quickly - side navigation

The side navigation in censhare Web provides quick access to your personal lists, pages, and actions history. Navigate to your Dashboard and Favorites. Access your saved searches and opened assets. Display an overview of your products.


The Side navigation is the left bar of your workspace in censhare Web. It is always accessible. You can hide it to gain more space on the main window to display or edit content.


The items in the My pages area on the Side navigation depend on the censhare system configuration.


The Side navigation provides quick asses to your assets and frequently used pages and applications. For example, you can access your tasks or time schedules. You can quickly find product information such as your campaigns and product families. You can resume your work by opening your stored searches or any filter lists such as your watched or last edited assets.

Side navigation: areas My Pages (1), Open (2), and History (3). Hide/show Side navigation (4).    

The Side navigation is divided into three areas:

  • My pages
    Displays links to essential lists like your Favorites or last edited assets. You can access important pages like the Dashboard.

  • Open
    Displays your checked-out assets, your current searches and open applications.

  • History
    Displays the history of the assets that you have checked-in during the current session assets. Displays the applications that you used and the searches that you performed during the current session.

If a link on the Side navigation references an asset list with several items, censhare displays the number of items that are in the list.

Key steps

Useful tasks on the Side navigation:

  • Access items from the Side navigation:
    Click an item. It displays on the main page.

  • Scroll in the Side navigation:
    If the Side navigation contains more entries than censhare Web can display in the navigation bar, you can scroll up and down to find the entries you want.

  • Collapse or expand areas in the Side navigation:
    To collapse the contents of an area, click the area heading. To expand the hidden contents of an area, click the area heading.

  • Hide or show the Side navigation:
    To hide the Side navigation, click

    . The Side navigation icons remain visible.
    To show the hidden Side navigation, click

  • Remove items from the Side navigation (when applicable):
    To remove an item, select it and click

    From the My pages area, you can only remove the items that you added yourself. For example, one of your assets, items in your groups or a search from your stored searches.

  • Create asset relations:
    Drag-and-drop an asset from any page across the Side navigation to another asset to create a relation: Select an asset from an open asset page or list. Drag it across the Side navigation to another asset on the Side navigation. Wait until the asset displays. Drag the asset further over the desired tab and widget. Drop it onto the widget. The relation is created. For further information, see Create relations by drag-and-drop.

Customize the My Pages area:

  • Add items to the My pages area:
    From the Open or History areas, drag an item to the My pages area and drop it at the desired location.

    indicates that you can drop it.

  • Group items in the My pages area:
    For example, a group allows you to store a search with its resulting assets in one folder.

    1. Drag an item from the Open area to My pages.

    2. Select another item from the Open area. 

    3. Position the cursor in the bottom right part of this item. Drag-and-drop it onto the first item. A group is created.

    4. Click

       to display the items of the group.

    Inside the group, you can move the items up and down or delete them. If a group is empty, censhare deletes it from the Side navigation.

    Note: Make sure that your grab an item at the bottom right part to drag it into the group. Otherwise it is just added to the My pages area, but not to the group.
    Note: You can only group items that you added to My pages yourself. Note: censhare does not create Group assets from the groups that you create. You can only access your groups from the Side navigation.

  • Move items within the My pages area: 
    Drag-and-drop any item in the My pages area to a different location in My pages. 

    indicates that you can drop it.

My pages area

The My pages area contains lists and frequently used work areas and pages for quick access.

Note: The content of the My pages area depends on your system configuration and are aligned with your defined domain and role.

Note: Several pages that you can access from the Side navigation are asset lists or asset overviews in a table view. When you select an asset from a list or table, standard asset actions are available to you.





The Dashboard provides a central space for your personal or global information like your tasks, maps or tickets. You can adapt the Dashboard to your individual needs.

Dedicated work areasThe censhare workspaces are organized in specific work areas. The work areas are aligned with your specific domains and user roles.

My downloads

The My Download page displays your downloaded asset files with your most recent download at the top. Additional columns show the download date and the last modification of the asset file. If a new content version of the asset is available, you can download it directly from the table. Click DOWNLOAD. The overview contains the downloads within the last year.


The Keyword page displays keywords assets with the assets that the keyword is assigned to. Keywords can also have child keywords. You can use keywords to create an index, search for assets, group assets or publish them to a channel. The overview displays further information such as workflows, deadlines, and language.


The asset Explorer is a convenient way to browse assets in censhare Web. It combines some of the filter functionality of the Quick search and the Detailed search on one page.


The Favorites page displays an overview of your favorite assets.

  • To remove an asset from the favorites: Select the asset on the Favorites page. Click the Actions menu next to it and select Remove from favorites.

  • To add an asset to the favorites: Open an asset page or select an asset from any asset list. Click the Actions menu and select Add to favorites.


The Watched page displays on overview of the assets that you added to your watchlist.

  • To remove an asset from the watchlist: Select the asset on the watchlist. Click the Actions menu next to the item and select Remove from watchlist.

  • To add an asset to the watchlist: Open an asset page or select an asset from any asset list. Click the Actions menu and select Add to watchlist.

Last created

The Last created page displays a list of the assets that you created most recently.   

Last edited

The Last edited page displays a list of the assets that you edited most recently.

Stored searches

The Stored searches item contains the searches that you saved for later use. To select a saved search, click the

 next to Stored searches and select a search. The search is executed. You can edit your search parameters from the search result page, if needed. You can update the existing search or save your edits as a new search.


The Trash page displays the assets that you have moved to the trash. You can still edit the assets that are in the Trash.

Open area

The Open area provides access to the assets that you just have checked-out or that you currently edit. You can also access the searches or applications that you just carried out.

  • When you open an asset in an asset page, the asset appears as an item in the Open area. 

  • When you search for assets, the associated search item appears in the Open area.

  • When you start a wizard, for example the Edit properties wizard, the application appears in the Open area.

Note: The maximum number of items displayed in the Open area depends on your censhare configuration. If the maximum number is reached, the items that you opened first are moved to the History area.

Asset status and actions

The current status of an open asset displays next to each item:

  • indicates that you opened (checked-out) the asset and that you currently edit it. As long as you see this icon, other users cannot edit the asset. When you save the asset, the icon disappears.

  • Note: censhare does not automatically save the changes when you edit an asset. The icon thus remains active until you save the changes to the asset.

  • appears when you move the cursor over an open asset that you do not currently edit or that you have just saved. Click to close the asset. The item moves from the Open area to the History area. 

  • indicates that another user has checked out the asset. The asset is locked for you. You cannot edit it.

Search status

When you search for assets, the number next to the search item indicates the number of search results. If another user creates or deletes an asset that is part of the search results, the number is adjusted in real-time.

History area

The History area contains the history of your opened assets, applications and searches in the current session. The number of items in the History is indicated.

  • When you close an item in the Open area, it moves to the History area.

  • When you remove an item from the My pages area, it moves to the History area. For example, an item from one of your Groups.
    An empty Group also moves to the History.

Note: The maximum number of items displayed in the History area depends on your censhare configuration. If the maximum number is reached, the earliest items are deleted from the History area.

Tasks in the History area

  • To view the contents of the History area, click History.

  • To open an item from the History, click it. The item is opened in a new page on the main area. The item moves to the Open area.

  • To empty the History, click



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