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About workflows - SysAdmin

In censhare, users can define different workflows according to processes you define for different types of assets. Workflows indicate the progress of a task or the status of an asset. They are a universal tool available for all asset types.

Workflows can be assigned to any asset type. Depending on your system configuration, there can be specific workflows for certain asset types.


Assets can have a workflow assigned to them. Workflows can be defined according to your processes for different types of assets. This is done in the censhare Admin Client. When creating or editing an asset, users can then select one of the available workflows defined for this type. For each workflow, a sequence of workflow steps and workflow states are defined. Workflow steps represent steps and transitions of a determined process. For example, an "Article" asset transits from "created", "in progress", "in review", "approval" to "finished".

Besides these workflow steps, there are workflow states that reflect the workflow steps in a more generic way. Different workflows with different steps can be mapped to the same workflow states. They are used to give a fast overview of the status of an workflow. Workflow states cannot be selected, they are set automatically in conformance with the workflow step. 


As an administrator, you can add custom workflows in the censhare Admin Client. Go to the Master Data and open the "Workflows table". It shows all exiting workflows. For more information see also the article Workflows (Master data).

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