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Add relations by drag and drop_user

Create relations by drag & drop between external files or assets on other open asset pages.


Assets for which a relation should be created must be opened. They must be listed in the "Open" section of the censhare side navigation. The action can also be started from an open asset page or from a generic page like the "Dashboard" or "Products". It cannot be started from a search page.

Assets and files can be dropped on a relation or multi-relation widgets of any open asset page. For this, the option "Drag & drop", "Allow assets", "Allow files" has to be enabled in the respective widget configuration. Usually, your censhare administrator will take care of this.

Creating relations in this way also depends on the relation configuration for a relation widget. If the kind of relation is not configured for a relation widget, you cannot create the relation and a message is displayed accordingly.


So far, creating relations and references between assets by drag & drop was only possible between widgets inside the current tab of an asset page. As of censhare 2017.5, there is now more flexibility in creating relations.

Several additional ways of dragging and dropping assets to create relations are now available:

  • You can drag assets from any open asset page and drop them on a relation widget on other tabs inside the same or different assets.

  • Assets placed on the pinboard may also be used for creating relations in this way. For more information, see "Working with the pinboard".

  • You can even drag external files onto a relation widget of an open asset, thereby creating relations. All assets listed in the "Open" section of the censhare side navigation can be accessed in this way.

  • On an open asset page, you can also use the asset page title and drag it across the side navigation.

Drag & drop is available for single or multiple asset selection. When you select and drag multiple assets, the number of selected assets is shown.

Relations can be set inside the same asset on different tabs. For instance, on a product page, an icon is assigned on the "Detail" tab on the "Assignments" widget. You decide to assign the icon to the product as main icon. You then drag it to the "Media" tab and drop it onto the "Main icon" widget.

You can also assign relations outside the active page to different assets. For instance, you may decide to assign further tasks as "Product tasks" to a product asset. From the "Dashboard", you then select the tasks you want, drag them over the product asset in the side navigation. Once the asset is active, drag the selection over the respective tab, for instance "Overview". You then drop all selected assets onto the "Product tasks" widget.

General workflow

You can carry out the following tasks:

  • Create relations inside an asset by drag & drop of assets across tabs

  • Create relations to a different asset by drag & drop of assets across pages

  • Create relations by adding files from an external location

As a general workflow, you select the assets you want from an open asset page, from a tab and widget. You drag them over an asset title in the side navigation. The asset is highlighted, and becomes active and the asset page is displayed. You then drag them over the tab where you want to place them. The tab is highlighted and becomes active. The available widgets for dropping the asset are highlighted. Drag your selection onto a suitable widget. A plus-icon and a slightly changed color indicate that you can drop the asset onto it. Drop the asset. The asset is placed on the widget and the relation is created.

By default, a page or tab becomes active after 2 seconds. The time span might have been changed by your censhare administrator.

If a widget is not highlighted and no plus-sign is shown next to your selection, the asset cannot be dropped onto it.

Drag & drop assets across tabs

To set relations inside the asset on a different tab:

  1. On an open asset page on any tab, pick the asset(s) you want to relate from any widget.

  2. Drag the selected items to the tab you want inside the asset page and hold them over the tab. The tab is highlighted and becomes active. The widgets available for dropping are highlighted.

  3. Drag the selected items over a suitable widget. A plus-icon next to your selection and a change in the color of the widget indicate that you can drop them.

  4. Drop the selected items onto the widget.

The assets are placed on the widget and the relation(s) are created.

Note: If creating a relation is not allowed, an error message is displayed when dropping the asset.

Drag & drop assets across pages

To set relations to a different asset:

  1. On an open asset page, click and hold the asset(s) you want to relate.

  2. Drag the selected items to the side navigation and hold them over the asset title of the asset you want to relate. The asset title is highlighted and this asset becomes active and is displayed.

  3. Drag the selected items to one of the tabs of the asset page and hold it over this tab. The tab is highlighted and becomes active.

  4. Drag the selected items over a suitable widget. A plus-icon next to your selection and a change in the color of widget indicate that you can drop them.

  5. Drop the selected items onto the widget.

The assets are placed on the widget and the relation(s) are created.

Drag & drop external files

You can relate external files either to the currently active asset page on any tab and widget possible or to any other asset open in the side navigation. New files are added as assets automatically.

To set relations by adding external files:

  1. From an external location, select any files and drag them onto censhare Web.

  2. Select the asset, tab, and widget you want to drop them to:

    If you want to set a relation to the currently active asset: Follow steps 2-4 of "Drag & drop assets across tabs".

    If you want to set a relation to a different asset than the currently active one: Follow steps 2-5 of "Drag & drop assets across pages".

  3. Once you dropped the files, assets are created from them.

The assets and according relations are created,. and the assets are placed on the selected widgets.

Note: censhare may be enabled to check for identical files to avoid duplicates (see "User Preferences, General, Client, Import, Show duplicate dialog for identical files"). If duplicates are found when adding external files in this way, additional information on them is displayed. You are prompted to either use the existing assets or create new ones. Confirm your choices.


New relations have been created for the assets that have been dropped onto the selected widgets.

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